Cheezburger Factory Chris Brown Aaron McConnell
Story A cat is attempting to reach a “cheezburger” factory Draws on the LOLcat internet meme Foes include dogs and humans
Appearance Cartoony Tiles for background and platforms Sprite animation for player, enemies, and power-ups
Player Player controls the cat with the arrow keys Player tries to collect cheezburgers to advance to the next level Traverse level and pass enemies –“Stomping” –Shooting –Avoiding
Strategies Reach power-ups –Crush enemies –Shoot –Invincibility Defeat enemies –Jump over / on –Shoot –Avoid
Player Motivation Gain power-ups Outwit / outfight game Reach endgame (cheeseburger factory) Inside-joke appeal of LOLcats
Style Arcade-like action; many levels in rapid succession Relies on reflexes to finish levels Levels will be fairly straightforward and require little critical thinking Comical aspects to appearance and sound
Level Design Levels will be single-screen (no scrolling engine) Platforms will provide vertical area to increase the playable size of each level Player must maneuver around obstacles and avoid or defeat enemies while collecting cheeseburgers and power-ups
Level Design (Cont.) About 8 Levels to traverse About 10 Enemies each level About 8 Cheeseburgers to collect About 4 Power-ups
Game Sprites Cat Cheeseburger Power-up –Claws –Invincibility Enemies –Dog –Human –Panda
Hardware Developed with PCs DirectX 9.0 capable graphics cards Designed for average PCs Not too powerful
Software Designed using Visual Studio DirectX + LaMothe engine
Design Style / Algorithms 2D sprite animation BOB engine for platforms, objects, and enemies 8-bit color palette Collision detection Simple physics