Teaching Professionals Background in: History, Math, and English Master’s Degree Teachers help students learn the past to change the future
Size of the School Charter High School grades 9-12 Small in size, maximum 400 students
Philosophy Rational thought and rigorous thinking Key educational figure: Robert Hutchins
Curriculum Required 4 years of a foreign language Service learning 4 years of History, Math, English 4 years of Art or Music Weekly Seminar 2 years of Technology 4 years of Physical Education
Testing and Accountability Testing Required for all subjects Midterm and Final mostly essay form for Math, English, and History Art Midterm and Final portfolio Music Midterm and Final Recital
Culture Students Respect, Moral Integrity, Kindness, Desire to Learn, Establish Individual Thinking Teachers Desire to teach, to explore new ideas, promote individual research Parents Involved in learning, mandatory visits (open house, and weekly seminars)