Cosmic rays in a thermos flask 1.European Physics Education Conference Bad Honnef Thomas Trefzger Universität Mainz
Motivation Mystic experiments in school Introduction to special relativity Introduction to (astro-)particle physics Minor complexity
Cosmic radiation Interaction of high energetic primary particles (85% protons, 14% alpha particles) with nuclei of the atmosphere Surface of the earth: a few hundred charged particles per qm per second Mostly muons
The muon Group of leptons mass (muon) ~200 x mass of the electron Mean lifetime 2.2 microseconds Decay of the muon:
Decay of the muon Radioactive decay law Muons should not reach the surface of the earth 1 muon per second
Special Relativity time dilation (observer at earth) v=0.9999c: muon lives longer: Length contraction, 20km (observer moves along with the muon)
Experiment set-up Praxis der Naturwissen- schaften 4/51
Cherenkov radiation
First Experiment Measurement without water -> no signal Measurement with water -> signals Existence of something which gives a reaction in the thermos flask
Applied Statistics Rate of muons (15 min), 10 second intervals Events/10 s
Applied Statistics Rate of muons (40 hours), 10 second intervals Events/10s
Second experiment Koincidence with two thermos flasks
Third experiment Measurement at different places
Life after death Fourth experiment: Lifetime
Lifetime– it is relative ! Number of events vs. microseconds 0 5 Microseconds linear logarithmic
What can we learn ? Cosmic radiation is omnipresent and can be detected Frequency of occurence, penetration rate, angular rate dependence Statistical aspects, randomness of events
Didactic Potential Exotic particles in school Statistical aspects Aspects of special relativity Ongoing research Elementary particles as part of our world Computer in measurement control and analysis
Jugend forscht 2004 – state winner