Some Old English and Middle English letters used in handwriting until late in the 15th century: OE þæt, oðer, ME þat, oðer þ is sometimes used at the beginning of words, ð elsewehere. Many texts use only þ, others ð Dotted y used in earliest printed texts “ye Olde Englishe Tea Shoppe” þ, ð
Some Old English and Middle English letters OE g was written and used for 3 sounds: –[g] as in go (gangan, guma) > ME gange, goom –[j] as in yellow (geolwe, geong) > ME y or –[ ] as in Icelandic; boga - ME w (bowe) In Middle English it was written and known as “yogh” – it was used for the sounds [j] and [x ] OE h in words such as niht, eahta, þoht became - later night, eight, thought g
Some Old English and Middle English letters OE c was used for [k] and [ ] can cniht cyrice céosan These usually became k and ch in ME can kni 3 t chirche chese c,k
Some Old English and Middle English letters OE cg was used for bygc ecg This usually gg or dge in ME bridge edge cg
Some Old English and Middle English letters Old English w was written. In Middle English it was written u, v, uu, v v Old English cw (cwic, cwén) came to be written qu (quick, quene) w
Old English p, þ w and r and s looked rather similar: p th w r s
The problem of the minim in Middle English writing inm u,v
The problem of the minim in Middle English writing come son - sun rung lung among tongue s u m e s o m e