Learning Object for PDA presentation Storyboards Learning Object for Handheld Presentation Yiu Yee Nga Florence
Learning Object for PDA presentation Conceptual Details about your LO Title of LOTimes Table Describe content of LOThe user needs to finish 15 questions which are pick from the times table randomly. After finishing the whole quiz, the system will show the time which the user takes as a animation form, such as a flying rocket will be appeared for the fastest user; a walking man will be appeared for the slowest. Potential audience:P2 – P4 students What is purpose of LOReinforce the student in remembering the “Times Table” in a very interesting way.
Learning Object for PDA presentation Technical Details about your LO Size of Presentation Area320 by 240 pixels (for handheld presentation) List images and other media needed -Clip art and animation - Sound effect - Calculation software List types of interactions to be integrated in LO The user needs to answer 15 questions one by one which are pick from the times table randomly. If the user gives the wrong answer, the system will ask him/her to do it again for two times, if the answer is still wrong then the system will show the correct answer immediately. After finishing the whole quiz, the system will show the time which the user takes as a animation form, such as a flying rocket will be appeared for the fastest user; a walking man will be appeared for the slowest.
Learning Object for PDA presentation If the user gives the wrong answer, the system will ask him/her to do it again for two times, if the answer is still wrong then the system will show the correct answer immediately. Let’s start the game! 1. 3 x 5 = 2. 7 x 2 = 3. 6 x 9 = 4. 4 x 8 = 5. 1 x 9 = Answer : The user needs to answer 15 questions one by one which are pick from the times table randomly.. The user needs to write down the answer according the order, the system will shift the answer to the left side automatically.
Learning Object for PDA presentation After finishing the whole quiz, the system will show the time which the user takes as a animation form, such as a flying rocket will be appeared for the fastest user; a walking man will be appeared for the slowest. Your speed just like the speed of a flying rocket.. It show the time which the user has spent. Your time: 9 minutes It tells the performance of the user in this quiz.