SOIPD Status e prospective for 2012 The SOImager2 is a monolithic pixel sensor produced by OKI in the 0.20 µm Fully Depleted- Silicon On Insulator (FD-SOI) process; 5 5 mm 2, 256 256 analog 3T pixels, µm pitch, 1.8 V operational voltage; 8 different layouts; Buried P-Well process implemented: the top electronics is effectively protected from the back- gate effect (shift of top transistor threshold when a biasing voltage is applied on the backside)
SOIPD - Consiglio di Sezione - Gruppo V – 11 luglio 2011 Test beam with 200 GeV - at CERN SPS Three detectors arranged in one cemented “doublet” (9 mm spaced) and one rotating plane (33 mm spaced). Single plane can be rotated up to 20° for slanted tracks and cluster studies. The doublet is optically aligned with a better than 50 µm precision → easy and precise coincidence cuts in cluster recognition. 2 Beam Cooling Rotatingstage Plane 2 Plane 1 Plane 0 Tracks are reconstructed in two layers (doublet) and extrapolated in the third layer (singlet). Excellent Spatial resolution and detection efficiency! Tracks are reconstructed in two layers (doublet) and extrapolated in the third layer (singlet). Excellent Spatial resolution and detection efficiency! S (1.12±0.04) μm, for V d ≥ 50 V Single point resolution: (1.12±0.04) μm, for V d ≥ 50 V Detection efficiency: >99% for V d ≥ 50 V >99% for V d ≥ 50 V
SOIPD - Consiglio di Sezione - Gruppo V – 11 luglio Back-side soft X-ray irradiation A set of sensor chips have been back-thinned to 70 μm using a grinding technique and post-processed (P implantation followed by annealing) to create a thin entrance window ( nm) on the back-plane and anneal the crystal damage from the thinning; This process ensures good sensitivity to X-rays down to ∼ 1.5 keV and to electrons down to ∼ 9 keV. The quantum efficiency for X-rays is studied on data collected at the beam-line of the Advanced Light Source (ALS) at LBNL. The thin, post-processed SOI sensor has been exposed from the backside to fluorescence radiation excited in various metal foils, in the energy range 2< E <9 keV and for 30V < V d < 70V (Full depletion!) as a function of energy for three different values of V d. X-ray quantum efficiency as a function of energy for three different values of V d. as a function of the energy of fluorescence X-rays obtained at V d = 70 V. Cluster pulse height as a function of the energy of fluorescence X-rays obtained at V d = 70 V. Possible applications for pixellated sensors with large quantum efficiency for soft X-rays and low-energy particles, small pixels, fast readout and moderate energy resolution are: precision beam monitoring in linacs and storage rings with X-rays and soft electrons. electron microscopy X-ray astronomy … Cu spectrum 8.04keV Fe spectrum 6.4keV
SOIPD - Consiglio di Sezione - Gruppo V – 11 luglio Single Event Upset tests 256 shift register (SR) cells, µm pitch Single Event Upset (SEU) micrometric sensitivity studies on the digital circuitry of the chip were performed at the Ion Electron Emission Microscope (IEEM) facility, located at the 15MV Tandem XTU-Accelerator of the INFN Legnaro National Laboratory A known logical pattern is written in and read back from the row selection shift register through dedicated pads during irradiation. Differences between the loaded and read-back pattern highlight a SEU occurred in the cells 250 MeV 79 Br Shift register layout latch 22.4 m Four pairs of hot spots: each pair corresponds to a single SR cell and the two spots highlight the two Flip-Flop D structure of the cell. The different number of upset in the two columns of spots accounts for the dependence of the sensitivity from the logic state of the Flip-Flop
SOIPD - Consiglio di Sezione - Gruppo V – 11 luglio Activity for 2012 Test of the new, larger chip built on Float Zone (FZ) SOI wafers with resistivity of several 1000 ·cm, recently made available from OKI; this chip can achieve full depletion on a thickness up to 500 m. Test beam at CERN SPS with - on a chip back-thinned and back-processed Test of a back-thinned and back-processed chip with low energy electrons (10-20 keV)
SOIPD - Consiglio di Sezione - Gruppo V – 11 luglio Personnel and budget request for 2012 Personnel: D. Bisello30% S. Mattiazzo70% R. Rando30% L. Silvestrin30% M. Bagatin (DEI)30% Technical assistance: D. Pantano50% Richieste economiche: Missioni interne:1k€ Missioni estere:4k€ Consumo:2k€