International Studies Abroad Proving the Benefits of Study Abroad Research on Assurance of Learning and other outcomes Bill Clabby Director of Research – ISA International Studies Abroad
AACSB Assurances of Learning Mission specific Career building Maturity and Flexibility Intellectual Development *Financial resources that support mission
International Studies Abroad Mission “the school must develop a list of the learning goals for which it will demonstrate assurance of learning. This list of learning goals derives from, or is consonant with, the school's mission.” Your university likely includes internationalization within its mission
International Studies Abroad Career Building Learning expectations build on the students' pre-collegiate educations to prepare students to enter and sustain careers in the business world and to contribute positively in the larger society.
International Studies Abroad Maturity & Flexibility Students achieve knowledge and skills for successful performance in a complex environment requiring intellectual ability to organize work, make and communicate sound decisions, and react successfully to unanticipated events.
International Studies Abroad Intellectual Development Students develop learning abilities suitable to continue higher-level intellectual development.
International Studies Abroad Proven Outcomes GPA benefit Study Abroad students graduate earlier Employers – study abroad skills Language acquisition Fulfilling academic requirements Cultural Awareness
International Studies Abroad GPA Benefit UCSD research (not yet published) GPA of study abroad participants compared with accepted applicants who decided not to participate 2722 data points, Study Abroad Participants, 572 Non-Participants All applied for study abroad and were accepted Most were Juniors or Seniors, so changes in GPA are expected to be smaller due to advanced point in their degree.
International Studies Abroad Specific GPA Outcomes <3.0 GPA before participation, Short Term: difference <3.0 GPA before participation, Long Term: difference >3.0 GPA before participation, Short Term: difference >3.0 GPA before participation, Long Term: difference Long Term = Semester abroad or longer Short Term = Less than a semester abroad
International Studies Abroad Reduced Time to Graduation University of Minnesota Study abroad students graduated at a faster rate than non study abroad students
International Studies Abroad
Value to Employers Skills gained in study abroad ranked highly in desired traits of potential employees -Scott Research Group, Michigan State U, CIER study
International Studies Abroad Desired & Expected Traits Foreign Language ability Internship in a foreign country Will function more independently Will work more effectively with people from diverse races/cultures - Scott Research Group, 2005
International Studies Abroad Conveying Benefits Michigan State University: "Study Abroad and Employment: Conveying the Value to Recruiters” Workshop helps students convey the most valuable benefits of the experience to employers Resume-building, portfolio of learning that include study abroad skills developed should be a part of every program. Students need guidance on articulating their experience abroad
International Studies Abroad Quotes from Employers “All major hiring companies need global citizens. Global sensitivities, global perspective, global insight; along with maturity and a capacity for risk-taking, are exactly the skills every major organization is looking for – in every industry.” - Kevin Gill, Global Director of Staffing for Honeywell
International Studies Abroad Quotes from Employers "Business, education and political leaders are grappling with the question of how to produce workers and citizens who can remain competitive in a world that seems to be shrinking before our very eyes," - Vivien Stewart, Vice President of Education, Asia Society, December 2005.
International Studies Abroad Foreign Language Acquisition Seeking Level 2 language proficiency, linking to study abroad participation. Ann Barron, “Acquisition in Interlanguage Pragmatics”, 2003 Seeking
International Studies Abroad Michigan State Recruiting Trends "geographic awareness and global understanding" as the primary "new competencies [for job seekers] critical to future success." … “as businesses become realigned globally, having employees with an awareness of space…, social and cultural geographic movement, as well as dominant physical assets of a region will be critical to a company’s vitality.”
International Studies Abroad Experiential Benefit From “Pathways to International Careers,” William Nolting in “Impact of Education Abroad on Career Development
International Studies Abroad Fulfilling Academic Requirements A key to continued support by campus Increasingly important to parents… “Programs seen as Integral to the academic program of the home university are most likely to remain supported by the campus” - Stephen DePaul, Director of Global Initiatives, University of Texas system
International Studies Abroad Cultural Awareness Rand Corporation Study, 2003 Hiring managers asked to rank 19 different qualifications in terms of their importance for their organization, ranked *cross- cultural competence fifth. *Defined as an ability to work well in different cultures and with people of different origins.
International Studies Abroad What Kind of Programs? Managers criticized American Bubble Programs - living with Americans, taking courses with U.S. professors, socializing among themselves Managers valued programs with substantial and meaningful “real world experience” with another culture “Multidimensional and well-integrated” repertoir of skills that includes substantial professional or technical knowledge related to the organization’s core business; managerial ability that includes effective interpersonal and teamwork skills; a strategic understanding of their organization and industry in a global context; and, once again, cross-cultural experience.
International Studies Abroad Bibliography AACSB Assurance of Learning Standards 07.pdf University of Minnesota Graduation Rates Effects of Study Abroad Participation on Student Graduation Rates: A Study of Three Incoming Freshman Cohorts at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. NACADA Journal, v28 n1 p29-42 Spr Quotes from Employers NAFSA Global Competency Report, 2005?
International Studies Abroad Bibliography Foreign Language Acquisition Barron, 2003 “ Acquisition in Interlanguage Pragmatics” Recruiting Trends "Recruiting Trends ”, Michigan State University Rand Corporation “What Makes a Successful Career Professional in an International Corporation?”, 2003 IES 50-Year Longitudinal Study Steinberg, “Involve me and I will understand”, 2002 Pathways to International Careers Nolting in “Impact of Education Abroad on Career Development, 2002