National Survey of Student Engagement—Technology and Diversity Indicators for Student Success Indiana State University College of Education
Included Diverse Perspectives In Class Discussions or Writing Assignments Teacher candidates are exposed to more diverse perspectives in class discussions or writing assignments—more so as they are seniors than when they are freshmen, suggesting that diversity in perspective increases as teacher candidates progress through the teacher education program.
Had Serious Conversations With Students of a Different Race or Ethnicity Than Your Own Senior teacher candidates increase in having serious conversations with students of a different race or ethnicity, suggesting that teacher candidates engage in conversations with students other than their own race or ethnicity more as they gain experience in the teacher education program.
Had Serious Conversations With Students Who Are Very Different From You In Terms of Their Religious Beliefs, Political Opinions, or Personal Values Senior teacher candidates have fewer conversations with students who are very different from them in personal values and beliefs.
Encouraging Contact Among Students From Different Economic, Social, Racial or Ethnic Backgrounds Senior teacher candidates feel less certain that the institution encourages contact among students from different backgrounds than freshman teacher candidates.
Using Computers in Academic Work Senior teacher candidates report that they use computers in academic work more than freshman teacher candidates.
Using Computing and Information Technology Senior teacher candidates report that they use computing and information technology more often than freshman teacher candidates
Understanding People of Other Racial and Ethnic Backgrounds Senior teacher candidates report that the institution contributes to a better understanding of people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds when compared to freshman teacher candidates; in addition, the average response rate for senior teacher candidates is higher than all non-teacher candidates and higher than the total for the entire university.