Retrospection and Perspective on Shanghai Air Pollution Control Management 上海大气污染控制回顾及展望 Zhang Quan Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau,PRC December, 2002 上海市环境保护局 2002 年 12 月 Better Air Quality Workshop 2002, HK
General Information of Shanghai(1) 上海概况 One of the largest cities, economic center of China 中国最大的城市之一, 经济中心 Area:6340.5Km 2 面积 : 平方公里 Population: 16 million 人口 :1600 万 GDP: RMB billion(2001) 国民生产总值 : 亿元
General Information of Shanghai(2) 上海概况 Proportion of different sectors 产业比例 Energy structure 能源结构 In 2000, the total energy consumption was million ton of standard coal, in which, 2000 年, 能源消耗总量为 5489 万吨标准煤, 其中 : -Coal: 45 million ton; 煤炭 :4500 万吨 -Oil: million ton; 油 : 1300 万吨 -Natural Gas: 254 million m 3 ; 天然气 : 2.54 亿立方米 -Electricity: 59,500 GWh. 电力: 595 亿千瓦时
Shanghai Ambient Air Quality during 上海市环境空气质量 ( ) 主要大气污染物浓度 ( )
Legislation System — Laws and Regulations 法律体系 — 法律及法规 State Level 国家法律 Environmental Protection Law 环境保护法 Air pollution Prevention and Control Law 大气污染防治法 Local Level 地方法规 Procedure of Shanghai Municipal on the Implementation of Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law 上海市实施 “ 大气污染防治法 ” 办法
Standards 标准 State Level 国家标准 National Ambient Air Quality Standard 环境空气质量标准 Integrated Emission Standard of air pollutants 大气污染物综合排放标准 Odor Pollutants Standard 恶臭污染物排放标准 Specific Standards for some sources(boilers, cement mills, industrial kilns & oven, mobile sources) 行业标准 ( 锅炉, 水泥厂, 工业炉窑, 机动车等 ) Local Level 地方标准 Limitation of Sulphur proportion in fuel 燃料硫含量标准
Institutional Arrangement 制 度 Environmental Impact Assessment 环境影响评价制度 Three-synchronous Requirement 三同时制度 Pollutants Discharge Reporting and Registration Requirement 排污申报登记制度 Pollutants Discharge Permit System 排污许可证制度 Pollutants(Standard-Exceeding) Discharge Fee 排污收费制度 Top-cap Control Requirement 总量控制制度 Mandatory pollution control within a given time limit 限期治理制度
Evolution of Main issues 主要大气污染问题的演变 1960 — 1990 Pollution caused by coal combustion 煤烟型污染 1990 — now Mixed pollution caused by coal combustion and vehicle emission 煤烟型和石油性并重的复合型污染
Evolution of Strategies (1) 大气污染控制对策的演变 Improving the combustion and dust-removing technology — focusing on kiln and boiler renovation and reconstruction 主要着重于燃烧和除尘技术的 改进, 从锅炉和炉窑的更新和 改造入手的末端治理.
Evolution of Strategies (2) 大气污染控制对策的演变 Adjusting general layout of the city 城市总体规划和布局的调整 Adjusting and optimizing industrial structure 产业结构的调整和优化 Regulating and optimizing energy structure (industrial, non-industrial and vehicle) 能源结构的调整和优化 Integrated control for air pollutants 其他综合防治措施 Pollution control in industrial zones 重点工业区整治 Vehicle exhaust control (non-lead petrol and Euro-I standard) 机动车污染控制(无铅汽油使用及新标准实施)
Support System(1): Macro-policy 配套支持系统:宏观调控政策 Technical policies(State level) 国家: ‘ Technical Policy for Coal Combustion Pollution Control ’ 燃煤型污染控制技术政策 ‘ Technical Policy for Vehicle Pollution Control ’ 机动车污染控制政策 ‘ Technical Policy for Industrial Development ’ 产业发展导向性政策 Structure Adjustment Policy(Municipal level) 上海市: Adjustment of layout of city and Industry structure 城市布局及产业结构调整政策 Adjustment of energy structure 能源结构调整政策
Support System (2) 配套支持系统 Economic policies 经济政策 Governmental Compensation for Pollution Control 污染治理项目的政府补贴政策 Governmental Pollution Control Foundation for Rehabilitation 重点地区的环境综合整治政府资金 Academic Support 科研投入 Environmental Investigation and healthy impact assessment 环境状况调查和健康效应评估 Emission inventory and modeling 排放清单和扩散模式模拟工作 Pollution prevention technology 污染控制技术研究 Public Involvement 公众参与 EIA 环境影响评价中的公众参与 Complaining and solving 信访投诉解决机制 Pollution accidents impeaching 污染事故的公众检举和监督
Implementation System 主要实施手段 Top Cap Control 主要污染物的总量控制 Major pollutants: SO 2, coal-burning dust, industrial dust 二氧化硫, 烟尘, 工业粉尘 Standard Meeting and Discharge Permit System 达标排放和许可证制度 Major sources cover more than 90% emission load 针对主要污染物之污染负荷占 90% 以上的污染源 Inspection System 监督和监控系统 On-site auditing team and emergency response system (110) 现场监理和应急反应系统 ( 环保 110) Monitoring System 监测系统 Ambient air quality monitoring 环境空气质量监测 Compliance monitoring 污染源监督监测
Perspective of (1) “ 十五 ” 期间主要工作 Objective 目标 Zero increase of coal consumption along with the growth of energy consumption 燃煤总量的零增长 Reduction of SO 2 and smoke emission based on year 2000 level 二氧化硫和烟尘的总量削减 Concentration of normal pollutants will reach or close to WHO guideline 主要污染物浓度达到或接 近 WHO 的空气质量指标
Perspective of (2) “ 十五 ” 期间主要工作 Main focuses 工作重点 Improvement of legislation and standard system 法律,法规及标准 体系的完善 Technical-based standards for industrial pollutants 制定基于技 术的污染控制标准 Euro II standard for new vehicles 机动车实行欧 II 标准 Integrated strategies on: 制定综合防治对策, 兼顾: major source/area source/mobile source 重点源, 面源和流动源控制 Normal pollutants/toxic pollutants 常规污染物和特殊污染物控制 Local issues/regional issues 本地污染和区域性污染控制 Enhancement of Implementing capacity 能力建设 Inspection and auditing 加强监督, 监控能力 Monitoring and assessment 强化监测和评估体系建设
Perspective of (3) “ 十五 ” 期间主要工作 Main focuses 工作重点 : Development of economic/marked-based policies 加强经济调控 / 市场调控政策导向 Compensation for clean energy and enhance discharge fee 清洁能源补贴和提高排污费 Exemption of discharge fee for vehicles meeting Euro-II standard 新标准机动车排污费豁免政策 Emission trade pilot project 排污交易试点项目 Improvement of communication and coordination 加强沟通和协作 Within governmental sectors 强化政府各部门协作, 形成合力 Between all stakeholders 增进与公众等主要利益相关方的沟通 和协作
Polluters 污染者 Legislation System 立法 Public 公众 Technical &Economic Policies 技术经济政策 Implementation Sectors 执行者 Supervision System 监督监管 Mechanism Building
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