E-Recruitment Rolling Out the Web Carpet for Prospective Students
The importance of e-recruitment.
The Internet at Major Life Moments Pew Internet & American Life Project (
E-Expectations: Class of 2007 Engaging the “Social Networking” Generation (
Website = Online Admissions Office Unique Visitors
What’s Hot! (
How our system works.
Programs of Study 100 Credit Programs Accounting Advanced Aesthetics & Skin Care Aesthetics & Skin Care Certificate Animal Care Specialist Animal Care Specialist Certificate Aviation Management Aviation Science Professional Pilot Biotechnology Business Administration Computer Aided Design Certificate Computer Applications Computer Applications Certificate Computer Information Systems Computer Networking Certificate Computer Programming Computer Science Transfer Cosmetology Certificate Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Certificate Culinary Arts & Food Service Culinary Arts & Food Service Certificate Developmental Disabilities Digital Graphic Design Digital Graphic Design Certificate Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Early Care and Education: Infant/Toddler Child Care Certificate Early Childhood Development Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Transfer Program Engineering Science Transfer English as a Second Language (Certificate of Completion) Executive Administrative Assistant Fire Protection & Safety Technology Fire Protection & Safety Technologyl Development Certificate Floriculture Floriculture Certificate Food Science & Safety Gerontology Certificate Gerontology/Activities Specialist Certificate Gerontology/Social Welfare Health Professions Preparatory Option Health Science Horticulture Hotel Management Human Services Preparatory Optio Interdisciplinary Studies Law Enforcement Certificate Legal Administrative Assistant Legal Office Support Certificate Liberal Arts Liberal Arts – International Management Marketing Medical Administrative Assistant Medical Assisting Certificate ❇ Medical Coding Certificate Medical Office Support Certificate Mental Health Mental Health Certificate Nurse Education ❇ Nutritional Science & Diet Technology Occupational Therapy Assistant ❇ Occupational Therapy Assistant – Accelerated Option ❇ Office Support Certificate Paraeducator Certificate ❖ Paralegal Paralegal Certificate Physical Therapist Assistant ❇ Practical Nursing Certificate ❇ Pre-Engineering Radiologic Technology ❇ Respiratory Care ❇ School-Age Child Care Certificate Sterile Processing Technician Certificate ❇ Substance Abuse Counseling Certificate Surgical Technology Certificate ❇ Technical Careers Preparatory Option Certificate Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Veterinary Technology ❇ Web Development Certificate Wellness and the Healing Arts Certificate
Areas of Interest 19 Areas of Interest Animal Care Aviation Science Beauty/Skin Care Business Careers Child Care/Teacher Training Computers Engineering Fire Floral/Landscape Design Food/Cooking Graphic Design Health Professions Hospitality/Travel/Tourism Human Services Law/Legal Careers Liberal Arts Office Skills/Careers Science Technology
Recruit Module This becomes Area of Interest
Online Recruit
Thank You Page
Area of Interest Page
Academic Dept. Pages
24 Hour
Relationships Hi Jennifer, I wanted to thank you for the you sent me. I don't know when I will end up going back to school it will probably be this fall or the following fall due to many upcoming changes in my life...(I'm getting married !!) If there are any information packets about the school and vet tech program that can be mailed to me, I would greatly appreciate it. Phonathon: “Thanks for calling. I was meaning to get in touch with you.”
E-Marketing Communications (1)
E-Marketing Communications (2)
Review 1.Fill out online recruit form 2.View personalized Web content 3.Receive 24 hour personal 4.E-marketing communications -10 to 70/day - 15 minutes/day processing
Fall 2004
HS Visits vs. Web Recruits HELLO!!!
Sharing the Data
Getting More Specific AGEWHERE THEY LIVESummer 2005Fall 2006 Already have 601 recruits for Fall 2005 Areas of Interest
Expansion Potential Students Current Students Financial Aid Accepted but not Registered Non-Returning Guidance Counselors
The future.
“ is for Old People” Chronicle, October 6, 2006 A 2005 report… found that teenagers preferred new technology, like instant messaging or text messaging, for talking to friends and use to communicate with "old people."
1.Make e-recruitment a social experience (not just personalized). 2.Expand e-recruitment beyond and Web pages. 3.Remember the power of print and personal contact. 4.Give students the information they want as soon as they want it. 5.E-recruit parents and family, too. 6.Gain their trust and respect their privacy by offering them the option to opt in. Take-aways from Noel Levitz
MySpace / Facebook / iTunes University / YouTube College / iChat / Text Messaging / Blogs / Vlogs / Podcasts