Working with Libraries Partnerships & Collaborations
Collaborative Projects C18 th Parliamentary Papers digitised from CUL hard copies now delivered alongside C19 th and C20 th content by ProQuest and BOPCRIS*. Partnerships with major libraries to create Early European Books collection. Development of new ProQuest Platform with input from librarians. Platform designed to showcase value of content and tools provided by the library to users. ProQuest is also working with archives and other bodies to digitise content and bring collections to researchers. [*British Official Publications Collaborative Reader Information Service]
Early European Books Applying the highest standards of digitisation to a wealth of early printed materials, inc. annotations by Gallileo. Produced in partnership with European libraries. Content already available from: Royal Library, Copenhagen Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze
New Platform – Built for Libraries Platform developed with a range of library personas in mind, as well as students and researchers. Powerful customisation tools – libraries can organise and group databases, creating and re-naming subject areas within the platform. Tested ahead of launch with partner libraries – a source of valuable feedback. More advanced ProQuest Administrator Module than ever before – allowing libraries to configure a wide range of settings.
New Tools – ‘Summon’ Discovery Service Recognised tendency of end-users to head for simple, easy-to-use (yet not authoritative) search tools (e.g. Google). Goal was to build a similar experience, but with greater power and depth – indexes that part of the dark web represented within the library. Library brand is foremost and it is key to Summon that users understand the library is providing this service to users.