Remote MEMS Simulation, Testing and Design James Demmel, EECS & Math Kristofer Pister, Richard Muller, BSAC, EECS, UC Berkeley Sanjay Govindjee, CEE Alice Agogino, ME Ming Gu, Math Zhaojun Bai, CS, UC Davis
Goals Combine two technologies to “Close the MEMS design loop” –Simulation (SUGAR) –Measurement (Microscopic Stroboscopic Interferometer, …) Leverage large investment in networking and unique facilities at UCB and elsewhere Make tools available to remote users –Run large simulations on UCB Millennium cluster –Test devices on UCB, other test rigs –Feedback data into simulation, design Compare simulation and reality Parameter extraction, sensitivity studies
BSAC Microscopic Stroboscopic Interferometer (Muller, Rembe, BSAC, UCB)
Adaptive Optics MicroMirror (Muller, Rembe, BSAC)
SUGAR (Pister, Demmel, Govindjee, Agogino, Gu, Bai) MEMS Simulation Tool, inspired by SPICE Available as Web service on Millennium Currently 100s of users Ex: Laterally actuated torsionally suspended micromirror
Matisse Project (DARPA) Provide remote access to unique and mostly MEMS facilities for large user community Provide central facility (MEMS Exchange) to organize national network of MEMS testing sites Use SuperNet infrastructure (CENIC) DARPA supported (UCB, LBL, CMU, MIT, CNRI, ISI, Sarnoff)
Matisse Site Connections
Current MEMS Exchange Fabrication Sites and Participating Sites Fabrication Sites Under Contract: –Academic: University of California at Berkeley Stanford University Cornell University University of Michigan Case Western Reserve University University of Illinois LSU/Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (expected soon) –Commercial: Analog Devices Teledyne Electronics Microwave Bonding Inc. Integrated Sensing Systems (ISSYS) Sony Semiconductor Tactical Fabs, Inc. Zygo TeraOptics, Inc. Advanced MEMS Optical, Inc. ASML Lance Goddard Assoc. Intelligent Micropatterning, LLC 1100 registered users