Managerial Skills Lecture Conflict
Learning Objectives Assess Sources of a Conflict. Modify Your Conflict Management Style Appropriately. Understand departmental or unit conflict.
What Is Conflict? A disagreement between two or more parties who perceive they have incompatible concerns At least one party sees the other as blocking progress towards his/her goals
Conflict Skills Assess the nature of the conflict –Communication Problems –Structural Design –Personal Differences
Sources of Conflict i) Communication problems -miscommunication (semantics and cultural differences) -noise -poor listening ii) Structural design - task interdependence -power distributions -resource scarcity -goal incompatibility -uncertainty iii) Personal differences - values -personality -prejudices
Conflict Skills? Assessing the Nature of the Conflict Are the effects positive or negative? Select the Conflicts You Try to Manage Know the Basic Styles of Handling Conflicts
Exhibit 18.2: Conflict-handling Styles
Conflict Skills Choose the style of conflict –The importance of the issue –Concern over a long term relationship –Speed required –Conflict source
Exhibit: When to Use the Different Conflict Management Styles Conflict Management StyleWhen to Use When Not to Use Avoiding Accommodating When issues are trivial When emotions are too high, need to cool down When costs outweigh benefits When the issues are unimportant to you When your knowledge is limited When there is long-term give and take When you have no power When a long-term solution is needed When it is your responsibility to resolve the conflict When others are unethical or wrong When you are certain you are correct
Exhibit: When to Use the Different Conflict Management Styles Conflict Management StyleWhen to Use When Not to Use Forcing Or Competing Compromising When there is no time When issues are trivial When any solution is unpopular When others lack expertise When issues are important to you When parties are about equal in power When goals are clearly incompatible When an immediate solution is needed When issues are complex and require input & information from others When working with powerful & competent others When long-term solutions & commitment are needed When an imbalance of power is present When the problem is complex When long term solutions are needed When conflict is rooted in value differences
Exhibit: When to Use the Different Conflict Management Styles Conflict Management StyleWhen to Use When Not to Use Collaborating When issues are complex & require input & information from others When commitment is needed When dealing with strategic issues When long-term solutions are needed When there is no time When others are not interested or do not have the skills When conflict occurs because of different value systems
How Do You Manage Conflict Between Groups and Departments? Superordinate Goals Increased Communication Negotiating Expansion of Resources
How Do You Manage Conflict Between Groups and Departments? (continued) Third-party Judgment Changes in Organizational Structure Smoothing Avoidance