LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, students will be able to Distinguishing facts from theories Explain the outline of the reading text
PART ONE Justice and money talks
The Concept of Law Pre-reading Activity Rightssincommittribal Dutieslawsuitviolate Justiceharmonyrestore Deterrentdisputesue Punishmentsentence
2. Understanding Vocabulary from context The following vocabulary items might be new from the selection “The Concept of Law.” Try to determine the definition of each item from the context. Then check your answers in a dictionary: 1. Concept= __________11. sin=__________ 2. Punishment = _______12. harmony=_____ 3. Justice =___________13. sue=_________ 4. Deterrent= _________14. dispute=______ 5. Commit=___________ 6. Restore=__________ 7. Order=____________ 8. Sentence=_________ 9. Violate=___________ 10. Lawsuit=__________
Read the text entitled “The Concept of Law” Interactions 2, pp Discuss your answers to these questions with your friends: 1. What do you know about the system of law and justice in the United States or Canada? Compare it with the system in your culture. 2. What kind of justice system seems most advantageous to you? Why? 3. Are there any famous trials going on now? If so, what are they about?
Understanding the outline Write your own outline for each paragraph of the reading selection “The Concept Law” I. The Idea of Law II. What Prevents Crime? III. Kinds of Law IV. Civil Law and Society V. The judgment of Disputes VI. Social Justice VII. Modern and Traditional Justice
Part Two ercise/ess1/kennett.htm ercise/ess1/kennett.htm Death penalty is controversial issue up to day. Not all countries support the regulations. Discuss with your friends, do you agree or disagree with death penalty. Support your answers with evidences.
Part Three Nowadays more TKW (Tenaga Kerja Wanita) faces death penalty by the govt of a country where they worked as TKW. wsusilo.pdf wsusilo.pdf What should the Indonesian government do? Share your opinion in a 150-word paragraph and submit it in the next meeting (week-13).