Evaluation Tools to Support ITS Planning Process FDOT Research #BD presented to Model Advancement Committee presented by Mohammed Hadi, Ph.D., PE November 24, 2008
1 IDAS Limitations Evaluate a large number of ITS deployments. However: Not consistent with the Florida calibrated models Requires manipulation of FSUTMS output files for use as inputs to the tool Software design and interfaces using 1990s software technologies Methods and some parameters selected in the 1990s Not flexible to allow evaluating new ITS elements and components, performance measures, etc.
2 FDOT Project Develop a tool and methods to perform ITS sketch planning evaluations as part of the FSUTMS/Cube environment No need for file conversion Use calibrated regional models Flexible and extendable evaluation environment Up to date methods and parameters Powerful data handling and modeling capabilities. State-of-the-art user interface of Cube The project is a joint effort of the FDOT System Planning Office and the FDOT ITS Section
3 Evaluated ITS Deployment (1) Ramp Metering Incident Management Systems Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) and Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) Advanced Travel Information Systems Managed Lanes Signal Control Transit Vehicle Signal Priority Emergency Vehicle Signal Priority
4 Evaluated ITS Deployment (2) Monitoring and Management of Fixed Route Transit Transit Information Systems Transit Security Systems Transit Electronic Payment Systems Smart Work Zones Road Weather Information Systems
5 Evaluation Tool
6 Assessment Elements Performance modules (emission, fuel consumption, safety, TT) ITS impacts ITS costs Dollar values of benefits
7 Benefit Evaluation Methods A method developed for each component Review and assessment of methods used in evaluation tools Review of literature Default ITS impact parameters derived based on a review of previous evaluation studies, US DOT JPO benefit database and the values used in existing ITS sketch planning tools. The user will be able to change the default ITS impact parameters and perform sensitivity analysis.
8 Model Input ITS Component
9 Model Input for Incident Management (1) Alternative Information Alternative letter Modeling year Working directory
10 Model Input for Incident Management (2) Parameters from Demand Model Auto occupancy Percentage of truck trips in Truck_Taxi trips
11 Model Input for Incident Management (3) Input for ITS Applications Analysis periods, days, and volume factor for each period Type of incident management (Six combinations for incident management with or without DMS and HAR)
12 Model Input for Incident Management (4) Input for ITS Applications (Con ’ t) Information type provided by DMS and HAR
13 Model Input for Incident Management (4) Deployment Location Indicate the links within the coverage of incident management by adding one new attribute “IM” and assign the value of 1 to this attribute
14 Model Input for Incident Management (5) Analysis parameters Incident information: frequency, duration, capacity reduction Accident rate Truck type and fuel consumption rate Vehicle class percentage and emission rate for CO, HC, and NOx Notes: Default values are provided, however, user can modify it based on local conditions.
15 Model Input Impact factors Diversion rate due to DMS and HAR Fatality reduction rate and crash reduction rate
16 Model Input Impact factors (Con ’ t) Average trip length on the mainline and on the alternative route Percentage of diverted vehicles using freeway Road ranger service patrol activities and costs
17 Model Input Dollar Value Dollar value of time Accident costs Fuel costs Emission costs
18 Model Input Equipment and Costs Discount rate
19 Model Input Equipment and Costs (Con ’ t) Equipment and unit costs for incident management, DMS, and HAR
20 Modeling Procedure Example Deployment Performance measures and benefits Costs Benefit/Cost ratio Overall Structure for Incident Management
21 Add one new attribute to each link to indicate the type of incident management Deployment Modeling Procedure
22 Initialize the output files Calculate the incident delay and time savings Calculate reduction in accident number and costs Calculate fuel savings Performance Measures and Benefits Modeling Procedure
23 Performance Measures and Benefits (Con ’ t) Modeling Procedure Calculate the emission reductions Calculate the monetary benefits of road ranger service patrol Output the performance and summary of benefits
24 Calculate the total number of study periods Set all the initial values to be zero Initialization Performance Measures and Benefits
25 Travel Time Loop over all the analysis periods Calculate the traffic volume during the study period Prepare the calculation of travel time on alternative route Calculate incident delay and total time savings Save the performance and benefits for each analysis period Performance Measures and Benefits
26 Safety Loop over all the analysis periods Calculate number of fatalities, injuries, PDO Calculate accident costs Save the performance and benefits for each analysis period Performance Measures and Benefits
27 Fuel Consumption Loop over all the analysis periods Calculate vehicle miles in queue and fuel consumption in queue Calculate fuel savings Save the performance and benefits for each analysis period Performance Measures and Benefits
28 Emissions Loop over all the analysis periods Calculate emissions of CO, HC, NOx due to the queues Calculate emission reductions Save the performance and benefits for each analysis period Performance Measures and Benefits