1 A Framework for Lazy Replication in P2P VoD Bin Cheng 1, Lex Stein 2, Hai Jin 1, Zheng Zhang 2 1 Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST) 2 Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) NOSSDAV 2008, Braunschweig, Germany, May 30, 2008
2 Background VoD, popular Internet service -Youtube, Hulu P2P, useful technology -File sharing, live streaming -BitTorrent, PPLive GridCast with caching -36% decrease -43% departure misses Replication in P2P VoD Can P2P help VoD? -Feasibility -Performance improvement
3 Outline Replication algorithms 2 Conclusions 4 Performance evaluation 3 3 Motivation 3 1
4 Motivation -what does GridCast look like?
5 Motivation -GridCast system overview Hybrid architecture (client-server + P2P) ―Tracker: indexes all joined peers ―Source Server: stores a complete copy of every video ―Peer: fetches chunks from source servers or other peers ―Web Portal: provides the video catalog tracker Source Server Web portal
6 Motivation -trace collection GridCast has been deployed on CERNET since May 2006 ―Network (CERNET) 1,500 Universities, 20 million hosts Good bandwidth, 2 to 100Mbps to the desktop (core is complicated) ―Content 2,000 videos 48 minutes on average 400 to 800Kbps, 610 Kbps on average
7 Motivation -trace analysis Classify misses by their causes Chunk X does not hit in the peer cache, Why? New content ―Never fetched by any peer Peer departed ―Fetched by some peers, but all of them are offline Peer evicted ―Fetched by an online peer, but evicted Can not connect ―Cached by some online peer that is not in the neighborhood Insufficient bandwidth ―Cached by some neighbor, but cannot retrieve it Departure misses become a big issue 43%
8 Motivation -challenges and chances Replication Caching is not enough. Can we do better? Challenges Short user sessions Depart at any time Chances Unused network resource 72% (DOWN), 81% (UP) Disk space 37% available disk
9 Replication - three key questions Framework When ? Where? What ?
10 Replication –fundamental tradeoff Benefit: Reduce departure misses Reduce some eviction misses if the cache is not full Cost: Increase network traffic Increase bandwidth misses Increase some eviction misses if the cache is full
11 Replication -eager replication x x neighborhood A B C Replicate all missed chunks Use all of unused bandwidth
12 Replication -lazy replication neighborhood A B C Based on two predictors ―Peer departure predictor ―Chunk request predictor ―Lazy-oracle and lazy-simple Lazy factor ―How much remained bandwidth can be used Target peer selection ―Random, Sequentially, File locality first the increasing of chunk requeststhe increasing of online time
13 Replication -peer departure predictor Based on the observation of online time -50% of user session, less than 10 minutes -the peer with higher online time is likely to stay longer Simple departure predictor -online time <= 10 minutes, leave -online time > 10 minutes, stay
14 Replication -chunk request predictor Chunks requested recently are more likely to be requested earlier in the near future Simple chunk request predictor -use the chunk access history in the last several hours -give higher weight to the recent requests t 1234 futurehistory now popularity
15 Performance Evaluation -simulation setup Trace-driven ―1GB ―Realized bandwidth ―Last 1 hour history for chunk request predictor ―10 minutes interval for peer departure predictor ―Use the existing neighborhood Metrics ―Benefit: decrease of chunks served by the source servers ―Cost: increase of chunks replicated between peers ―Efficiency: Benefit / Cost
16 Performance Evaluation -exploring configurations File locality first achieves the best performance
17 Performance Evaluation -lazy factor -More chunks are delayed to be replicated when the peer leaves -Smaller lazy factor, more efficient Lower lazy factor is better
18 Performance Evaluation -comparison Lazy-simple is close to lazy-oracle, in terms of benefits Lazy-simple is better than eager, in terms of efficiency Lazy-simple, 15% decrease of server load
19 Conclusions 1 We identify that departure miss is a major issue for P2P VoD with caching 2 With two simple predictors, lazy replication can decrease server load by 15% 3 Lazy replication is more efficient than eager replication
20 Thank you! Any questions…… Bin Cheng, Lex Stein, Hai Jin and Zheng Zhang HUST and MSRA Huazhong University of Science & Technology Microsoft Research Asia NOSSDAV 2008, Braunschweig, Germany