GTECH 201 Introduction to Mapping Sciences. Contact Information Instructors: Jochen Albrecht (and Tom Walter) Office: Hunter N1030 Office hours: We, Th.


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Presentation transcript:

GTECH 201 Introduction to Mapping Sciences

Contact Information Instructors: Jochen Albrecht (and Tom Walter) Office: Hunter N1030 Office hours: We, Th 2-3 PM Phone: (212) TA: Jing Li

Course Overview Spatial literacy Basic principles statistics GIS cartography geographic information science (GIScience)

Texts Required: none Recommended McGrew, J and Charles Monroe 2000 (2nd edition). An introduction to statistical problem solving in geography. McGraw-Hill. O’Sullivan, David and David Unwin Geographic Information Analysis. Wiley. Walford, Nigel, Geographical Data Analysis. Wiley.

Policies Attendance Plagiarism Special accommodations Lab policies Assignments

Criteria for Evaluation Participation10% Midterm exam15% Final exam25% Lab projects50%

Schedule Class #DateTopic 101/27Introduction – the nature of data 201/31The computing environment in the geography department L102/02Lab 1: Computing in the geography department 302/03Data measurements; data errors L202/07Lab 2: introduction to Unix L302/09Lab 3: how to write web pages L402/10Lab 4: introduction to Excel 402/14The nature of spatial data 502/16Storing spatial data L502/17Lab 5: introduction to ArcGIS 702/23Projections 802/24Surveying and digitizing L602/28Lab 6: digitizing data for the vector model 903/02GPS 1003/03Remote sensing 1103/07Census data 1203/09Mapping census data and simple spatial query L703/10Lab 7: mapping census data 1303/14Midterm Exam L803/16Lab 8: introduction to R 1403/17Sampling and questionnaires L903/21Lab 9: questionnaire design

Schedule Class #DateTopic 1503/23Probability and probability distributions 1603/30Sampling and sampling design 1703/31Point and interval estimation L1004/04Lab 10: probability distributions 1804/06Hypothesis testing 1904/07Analysis of variance L1104/11Lab 11: hypothesis testing 2004/13Chi square; goodness of fit 2104/14Correlation and regression L1204/18Lab 12: confidence measures 2204/20Experimental design and multivariate analysis 2304/21Qualitative approaches L1305/02Lab 13: ANOVA 2405/04Maps as a means of communication 2505/05Anatomy of a thematic map L1405/09Lab 14: designing a thematic map 2605/11Design of choropleth, dot and proportional symbol maps 2705/12Design of isarithmic and flow maps L1505/16Lab 15: cartographic studio 2805/18Review and where to from here 05/ /22Final (online) Exam

The Nature of Data