Math 210G Mathematics Appreciation Dr. Joe Lakey website: phone: office: Science Hall 230
Class details MATH APPRECIATION MATH 210G - M07MATH APPRECIATION MATH 210G - M07 Tu Th 2:35 pm - 3:50 pm Science Hall 102
Materials The Internet Clicker registered for this course
Homework: Reading articles from Wikipedia and other sources, assigned daily. Homework and lecture are the bases for multiple choice quizzes. First assignment due Tuesday: Navigate to My web page, click on “Course Outline” and read This articleMy web pageThis article
Written Component Presentation of math topic Work in teams or individually Work in groups strongly encouraged Individuals turn in paper only Groups of two or more: paper + presentation; peer graded 40% of the Total Grade
Feb 5: Decide Groups Feb 19: Hand in topic Feb 24: Class time for coordinating research/gather resources March 5: Detailed proposal due April 2: In class time for coordination April 14: Papers due April 21/23: Group presentations
STRONG NOTE: for any of the above deadlines your team misses, each of you will be penalized ½ of a full letter grade for the course. Rushed materials counts as missing the deadline. COURSE EVALUATION: Attendance10% Participation/Quizzes30% Midterm Exam20% Project /Presentation40% Total100%