Airport of the Future Public Policy View Hans Mohrmann March 30th, th International Seminar on Airport Planning
Rank Country Population GDP/ capita GDP 1 United States296$41,800$12,361,686,801,200 2 European Union457$25,000$11,423,831,450,000 3 China1,306$6,200$8,099,145,634,400 4 Japan127$30,400$3,873,484,217,600 5 India1,080$3,400$3,672,898,919,200 6 Germany82$29,700$2,448,212,283,000 7 United Kingdom60$30,900$1,867,641,021,300 8 France61$29,900$1,813,619,722,200 9 Italy58$28,300$1,644,315,833, Brazil186$8,500$1,581,958,749, Russia143$10,700$1,534,597,306, Canada33$32,800$1,076,005,344, Mexico106$10,000$1,062,029,030, Spain40$25,100$1,012,570,696, Korea, South49$20,300$987,405,621, Indonesia242$3,700$895,303,352, Australia20$32,000$642,893,984, Taiwan23$26,700$611,280,052, Iran68$8,100$550,944,666, Turkey70$7,900$550,318,416, Argentina40$13,600$537,716,024, Thailand64$8,300$532,739,666, South Africa44$11,900$527,695,218, Netherlands16$30,500$500,428,475, Poland39$12,700$489,686,396,800
Ongoing Urbanization 80%
Urban Metropolis Nodes - Global City Regions (*) … Source Mercer Source Expedia (*) Prof. Gerlach Cerfontaine
EU / NL Population Growth Source: Eurostat NL Slow Down? EU Acceleration?
Netherlands: + 3,5% Poland : +3% Aging Population 1993 – 2005
Hungary Bulgaria Poland Lithuania Latvia Estonia Source: Eurostat “New” Europe Population Growth
Ongoing Urbanization in the Netherlands 1999– % occurred within the existing urban footprint; 95 % occurred by enlargement. Growth occurred in Urban aera’s of s Noord-Holland and Zuid-Holland In Limburg experienced an absolute decrease in population
Location: Closer to work ? Preferred Mode: Car Work Distance: 20 KM Prof. Gaudry Univ. Montreal quote French stats: constant 30 minute travel time since 1800 Average Commute: 30 minutes
Airport Centre of Delta Metropolis
Evolution of a transportation facility: Grand Central New York Grand Central at the edge of the city GC earned revenues by selling Air Rights to developers
Beginning: facilitating traffic / passengers Today: a social meeting place, shops, restaurants, bars….and transportation Evolution of a transportation facility: Grand Central New York
Evolution of a transportation facility: Another Railway Station? (IV)
Concentrating in larger Metropolis Million Annual Passengers Average growth: 18,5 MAP Average growth: 3,6 MAP Average growth: 1,2 MAP
Maximize Value under Urban Tsunami Infra Driven Value Driven
“Gated Community” & virtual security LandsideAirside Terminal Current situation: Pax area Pax area Virtual and physical Security Fence Landside Airside Terminal “Gated Community” People area physical Security Fence Virtual Security Fence
A new Airport Definition: a high mobility & 24 h services place a social meeting & gathering place a gated community a prime AAA+ location a Living City. Great Skies! My Penthouse has an Airport… Yours? Ah, I see … an old one with a Golf Course! Great Skies! My Penthouse has an Airport… Yours? Ah, I see … an old one with a Golf Course! Elzenhof Park City ?
Conclusions: 1.Urbanization is ongoing in industrialized world 2.Global Metropolis are specialized nodes in a global network of City Regions 3.Urbanization = City Tsunami for airports 4.Role and character airport changes with Global City Regions integration 5.City Integration requires maximization of landside 6.Airport bizz models evolve: Infra => Bizz => Real Estate
Thank You!