Pregnancy related Illnesses Preeclampsia HTN, proteinuria & edema Eclampsia Preeclampsia + Sz HELLP Hemolysis, elevated LFT & Low plt count TTP low plt, MAHA, renal & CNS dysfunction
AFLPPE/ECHELLPTTP Liver sizesmall ALT/AST↑↑↑ Billirubin↑↑↑ Glucose↓ Ammonia↑ Hemolysis+++ Renal Failure +
Severe Preeclampsia New onset proteinuric HTN & at least one of the following: CNS Symptoms Symptoms of liver capsule distention Hepatocellular injury: Serum ALT & AST> 2 N Severe BP: SBP160 or DBP110 mm Hg on two occasions at least six hours apart
Severe Preeclampsia Thrombocytopenia:< 100,000 Proteinuria:> 5gm/24 hours Oliguria <500 mL/24h Pulmonary edema Cerebrovascular accident Severe fetal growth restriction
Management Lines Early diagnosis & Close observation Early delivery Corticosteroid HELLP faster recovery & less relapse Hiemel Eur Jr Obst & Gyne 2006 BP control hydralazine, Labetalol, Nifidipine ACEI & ARB are contraindicated
Management Lines Sz prevention MgSO4 superior to phenytoin ( 0 Vs 9 cases out of 2000 pt) Lucas NEJM 1995 Sz Rx MgSO4is better than phenytoin & diazepam (1500 pt) better termination & less recurrence Collaborative Eclampsia Trial. Lancet 1995
Management Lines IVIG & Plasmapherisis TTP & non resolving HELLP cases (case reports no RCT ) Surgery HELLP related liver rupture