ENERBUILD RTD Thematic Network: ‘Energy in the Built Environment’ EC Fifth Framework Programme: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Growth 1 April 2000.


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Presentation transcript:

ENERBUILD RTD Thematic Network: ‘Energy in the Built Environment’ EC Fifth Framework Programme: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Growth 1 April 2000 to 31 March 2003 Duration: 36 months

OVERALL AIMS OF ENERBUILD Enhance co-operation among EC Fourth and Fifth Framework energy RTD projects in the building sector Promote closer links between key European market actors and EC energy RTD projects in the building sector Promote a wider, cost-effective dissemination of the best available energy technologies

OVERALL AIMS OF ENERBUILD continued Help promote community social, environmental and economic objectives Help deliver European added value to the work of leading EU building researchers Help strengthen competitiveness and technological base of European construction industry

ENERBUILD OBJECTIVES Boost the transfer and dissemination of technology and expertise Deliver research results to users with the greatest implementation potential to reduce emissions and energy use Support collaboration and exchange of researchers Support European energy-related building research and help identify research priorities

ENERBUILD OBJECTIVES continued Links with other R+D actions and networks for greater effectiveness of research effort Minimise overlap and improve communication between research teams Foster partnerships between industry, researchers and designers Evaluate the effectiveness of different dissemination strategies and media

ENERBUILD STRATEGY Identify potential winning technologies Target markets and study their requirements Identify and implement coherent technology transfer and promotion strategies Evaluate the results

ENERBUILD STRUCTURE Network Co-ordinator RTD Project Co-ordinators Thematic Groups Solar Technologies Mech. Heating,Cooling Lighting PV in Buildings Building Components Building, Urban Design

ENERBUILD STRUCTURE Network SecretariatNetwork Co-ordinator RTD Project Co-ordinators Thematic GroupsNetwork Advisors Solar Technologies Mech. Heating,Cooling Lighting PV in Buildings Building Components Building, Urban Design Economics Social Sciences Information Technology Comfort Technology Transfer

ENERBUILD STRUCTURE Network SecretariatNetwork Co-ordinator RTD Project Co-ordinators Industry, Professions Thematic GroupsNetwork Advisors ECCREDI ACE GERG ENBRI FIEC CEPMC Solar Technologies Mech. Heating,Cooling Lighting PV in Buildings Building Components Building, Urban Design Economics Social Sciences Information Technology Comfort Technology Transfer

THEMATIC GROUPS Solar TechnologiesMats Santamouris LightingMarc Fontoynont Mechanical Heating and CoolingJohn Berry PV in BuildingsPeter Toggweiler Building ComponentsPeter Wouters Building and Urban Design + RetrofitKoen Steemers

NETWORK ADVISORS - Horizontal / technological Studies ECONOMICS SOCIAL SCIENCES Elisabeth Shove INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Joe Clarke COMFORT Philo Bluyssen TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Poul Kristensen Other studies requested by the Steering Committee

INDUSTRY and PROFESSIONS ECCREDI (European Council for Construction Research, Development and Innovation) ACE (Architects Council of Europe) GERG (European Gas Research Council) ENBRI (European Network of Building Research Institutes) FIEC (European Constriction Industry Federation) CEPMC (Council of European Producers of Materials for Construction)

STEERING COMMITTEE Thematic Group Co-ordinators Industry Representatives Network Co-ordinator, Manager, Administrator EC DG Research Representative

STEERING COMMITTEE - Activities Advice on Network policies and activities in furthering the research / industry interface Review Network and Thematic Group organisation Determine yearly Network Action Plan Annual evaluation of Network operation Review Thematic Group Strategy / action plans

DISSEMINATION and OUTPUTS Integrated series of –Newsletters –RTD Project leaflets –Conference papers –Conference posters –Journal articles Technology Implementation Plan Dissemination models EnerBuild Web Site

DISSEMINATION and OUTPUTS DISSEMINATION and OUTPUTS Integrated series of –Newsletters –RTD Project leaflets –Conference papers –Conference posters –Journal articles Technology Implementation Plan Dissemination models EnerBuild Web Site

DISSEMINATION and OUTPUTS DISSEMINATION and OUTPUTS Integrated series of –Newsletters –RTD Project leaflets –Conference papers –Conference posters –Journal articles Technology Implementation Plan Dissemination models EnerBuild Web Site

DISSEMINATION and OUTPUTS Integrated series of –Newsletters –RTD Project leaflets –Conference papers –Conference posters –Journal articles Technology Implementation Plan Dissemination models EnerBuild Web Site

DISSEMINATION and OUTPUTS Integrated series of –Newsletters –RTD Project leaflets –Conference papers –Conference posters –Journal articles Technology Implementation Plan Dissemination models EnerBuild Web Site

DISSEMINATION and OUTPUTS Integrated series of –Newsletters –RTD Project leaflets –Conference papers –Conference posters –Journal articles Technology Implementation Plan Dissemination models EnerBuild Web Site

DISSEMINATION and OUTPUTS Integrated series of –Newsletters –RTD Project leaflets –Conference papers –Conference posters –Journal articles Technology Implementation Plan Dissemination models EnerBuild Web Site

ENERBUILD WEB SITE - Structure HOME About EnerBuild Members Only Press Releases Newsletters Sum. Leaflets Projects Articles Reports Administration Participants Future events Discussion Resources Meetings Papers/Posters Web Links

Extension to Newly Associated States To raise awareness and promote Newly Associated States’ participation : –‘Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development’ (Part B - Energy) To project consortia To better link NAS to the EU Member States and vice versa To support and develop more efficient cooperation with NAS NAS participants add value to existing projects

Bulgaria Czech Republic HungaryLatviaLithuaniaPolandRomania Slovak Republic Slovenia NAS EnerBuild

Members Budapest University of Technology and Economics Professor A Zold (NAS Thematic Group Coordinator) University of Ljubljana Dr Saso Medved, NAS Markets Advisor Brno University of Technology Dr Jiri Sedlak Centre for Energy Efficiency, Sofia Dr Zdravko Genchev Czech Technical University, Prague Professor Frantisek Drkal

Intertermo Concept Ltd, Bucharest Mr Catalin Flueraru Warsaw University of Technology Dr Stanislaw Pietruszko Institute of Physical Energetics LAS, Riga Dr Peteris Shipkovs Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Mr Jozef Hraska Members

Black Sea Regional Energy Centre and the Technical University of Sofia Dr Lulin Radulov Institute of Heating and Sanitary Technology, Radom Dr Purgal Pawel Ecofys Polska Sp.Z.o.o. Poznan Dr. Maria Szweykowska-Muradin Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Professor Florin Pop Members

IPA S.A. Automation Engineering, Bucharest Mr Silvian Fara The National Building Research Institute, Bucharest Professor Dan Constantinescu ZRMK, Technological Building and Civil Engineering Institute,Ljubljana Dr Marjana Sijanec Zavrl Lithuanian Energy Institute,Kaunas Mr Romualdas Skema Members

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