AEOS Telescope + Image-Slicer/ Spectrograph Data Reduction and Results for June 8, 2006
3.7-meter telescope with adaptive optics Scale: 0.5 arc-seconds per fiber 1-minute exposures Twilight not significant Calibrated with standard stars June 8: 10 data cubes June 9: 8 data cubes AEOS + Image-Slicer Spectrograph: Observing parameters
Mercury Flat Field Sodium Lamp AEOS + Image-Slicer Spectrograph: Raw Data
Mercury Flat Field AEOS + Image-Slicer Spectrograph: Remove Spectral Curvature
AEOS + Image-Slicer Spectrograph: Locate Each Fiber at Each Wavelength
Choose wavelength (row) Fiber brightness = sum of 5 pixels Don’t spatially align the spectral images –Would increase fiber-to-fiber contamination –Fiber spacing varies over the image AEOS + Image-Slicer Spectrograph: Image Reconstruction Method
AEOS Reconstructed Images Mercury reconstructed Flat field reconstructed Final Image (continuum) Each raw image yields a data cube of 1024 images
Ganymede spectrum = solar spectrum without Na emission (Ganymede spectrum) x (Merc. Image) = artificial data cube of Mercury w/o Na Subtract artificial data cube from real data cube to yield Na emission AEOS + Image-Slicer Spectrograph: Subtraction of surface-reflected solar spec.
- = Mercury at D 1 +D 2 Merc. x Gany. at D 1 +D 2 Na Exosphere
Surface (Continuum)Sodium Exosphere (D 1 +D 2 ) Absolute brightness uncertainty: ~20% June 8, 2006|---- 3’’ ----|