Curriculum design: Social and behavioral Sciences Team members Dr Thilakavathi Dr Krishnendu Dr Prabhdeep Kaur Dr Prabhu Dr Biju Soman Facilitator: Evangeline Harris Stefanakis
Curriculum design Beginning and approach Existing curriculum – Existing curriculum has been conducted for one year. Feedback from course coordinator: Situational factors – Curriculum designed by experts and given to coordinator – Conducted by multiple external faculty – Lectures on designated topics – Need for active learning and include other teaching strategies for certain topics. – Need for removing topics covered by other courses Beginnings – Identified a note taker and used LCD – Brainstorming and involving all participants
Sample curriculum (1) GoalsObjectivesLearning activitiesAssessment Understand social and behavioral sciences concepts Student will be able to Describe and give examples the basic concepts in the field of Sociology, anthropology, psychology, philosophy, ethics etc. Estimated Time : 15 hrs Lecture, Readings discussion in pairs, group discussion Carry out observation in field as sociologist, anthropologist etc. and write structured field notes and interpret the findings Short answer test Assess field notes using rubric
GoalsObjectivesLearning activitiesAssessment Understand social and behavioral sciences concepts Review and explain social and behavioral aspects of Indian culture (past and future) Estimated Time: 12 hrs Short lecture and readings Films with class room discussion and interpretation (as sociologist, anthropologist etc) Group Presentation that may include images in addition to words (Each individual must declare their contribution) - Assessment using rubric Sample curriculum (2)
Sample curriculum (3) GoalsObjectives Learning activities Assessment Use and apply methods of social science Student will be able to Identify theoretical framework and apply to a qualitative research study Give examples of various Qualitative methods Demonstrate use of specific qualitative methods such as focus group discussion, observation and interviews Mixed methods Lecture Readings Role play Film/video Classroom exercise Field based exercise Short answer exam Class room/field exercise evaluated using rubric
Reflections as a group Helped us make it more interesting, made the process faster Guided and focused Identified feasible areas where we could achieve measurable outcomes New experience to develop curriculum as a group and this experience can be used to revise our own courses
Reflections as individuals Identifying measurable objectives Understanding the importance of using different participatory methods Shifting from one directional learning to participatory approach Emphasizing role of assessment Using matrix approach from goals to assessment