Detector Monoenergetic proton backlighting for studying field evolution and areal density in HEDP R. D. Petrasso, MIT 3 MeV DD D 3 He Detector 0.6 ns after laser on 15 MeV Laser
MIT Summary MIT NLUF radiographs show details of magnetic field structure and time evolution during and long after laser illumination. Data and LASNEX are in general agreement with the laser on, but diverge afterwards Monoenergetic proton backlighting is being used for studying field evolution and ρ R in HEDP Important opportunities exist for studying: Imploded capsules Plasma plumes/jets Laser-hohlraum interactions Plasma stopping power
MIT Collaborators C. K. Li F. H. Séguin J. A. Frenje J. R. Rygg R. D. Petrasso MIT R. P. J. Town P. A. Amendt S. P. Hatchett O. L. Landen A. J. Mackinnon P. K. Patel M. Tabak LLNL J. P. Knauer T. C. Sangster V. A. Smalyuk LLE
D 3 He p (x100) DD p T 3 He D ( 100) DT Multiple mono-energetic particles can be matched to the fields and ρR of an HED experiment OMEGA shot ρR : ~ 5 to ~ 300 mg/cm 2 r gyro : differ by ~ X 5
A monoenergetic, isotropic source has been used for multiple, simultaneous experiments at OMEGA mesh “Backlighter” Backlighter drive beams CR-39 Interaction beam CH foil side-on face-on
0.3 ns 0.6 ns 0.9 ns 1.2 ns 1.5 ns 1.8 ns 2.3 ns 3.0 ns Submitted to PRL, Li et al. DATA Interaction laser on for 1 ns Data and LASNEX are similar with the laser on, but diverge afterwards LASNEX
B d ℓ (MG-µm) Laser power (TW) Field amplitudes from data and LASNEX are similar with the laser on, but diverge afterwards laser LASNEX data After laser pulse, experimental magnetic diffusivity is larger than LASNEX
0.3 ns
0.6 ns
0.9 ns
1.2 ns
1.5 ns
1.8 ns
2.3 ns
3.0 ns
0.3 ns
0.6 ns
0.9 ns
1.2 ns
1.5 ns
1.8 ns
2.3 ns
3.0 ns
Future HED experiments will utilize monoenergetic, multiparticle, isotropic backlighters Magnetized-Target fields and ρ R Fields and ρR in implosions – R. Kingham, CO3 :PDD Fields of OMEGA-EP / NIF-ARC laser systems Fields in hohlraums Fields and modulations in RT experiments Plasma stopping power
Magnetized-Target fields and ρR (Nov. 2006)* D 3 He implosion proton backlighter B 10 MG Laser beams APS talk by O. V. Gotchev et al., JO
B fields generated by a ring of beams around an Au tube (Feb. 2007, Fusion Science Center) AuProtons CH Side viewTop view
Cartoon image Detector Mesh D 3 He backlighter Fields and ρR in cone-capsule, FI implosions
Fields generated by EP-plasma interactions mesh “Backlighter” Backlighter drive beams CR-39 detector CH foil OMEGA EP beam We are proposing similar experiments for NIF-ARC.
Fields from rings of laser beams in a hohlraum (MIT NLUF experiments in 2007) Li et al., RSI (2006)
Uniform plasma T e ~ 50 eV n e ~ /cc ~ 100 m D 3 He implosion proton backlighter Stopping power in dense, cold plasmas Li et al., RSI (2006)
MIT Summary MIT NLUF radiographs show details of magnetic field structure and time evolution during and long after laser illumination. Data and LASNEX are in general agreement with the laser on, but diverge afterwards Monoenergetic proton backlighting is being used for studying field evolution and ρ R in HEDP Important opportunities exist for studying: Imploded capsules Plasma plumes/jets Laser-hohlraum interactions Plasma stopping power