Status Venice, 30-Mar-1-Apr 2009 Philae STW 2009
2 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 Main Events with MUPUS participation (since last Philae STW) PC#8 PC#9 Steins fly-by Thermal Characterization 2
3 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 PC8 Summary Software Patch V7.2 successfully uploaded Burned to EEPROM x0000 after verification during PC8 MUPUS worked flawlessly during PC8 3 procedures executed Active Checkout 1 (basic tests, repetition of PC4) Active Checkout 2 (performance, revised version of PC4 test) Inflight calibration (standard checkout procedure) 164 TC‘s send and executed without error Detailed testing of nearly all MUPUS modes in different configurations 5610 science data packets produced without problems Active thermal conductivity measurement mode tested first time in flight Performance improved ANC-M sampling frequency 47.8 kHz (from 33 kHz) ANC-T measurements added to ANC mode PEN and TM calibration (sensitivity loss confirmed) improved
4 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 PC8 THC Mode PEN12 heated with 150 mW for 20 minutes
5 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 MUPUS PEN calibration PEN sensors calibrated on ground between -40°C and +50°C Data of limited quality Inflight calibration needed to cover low T expected for the comet Method: Use Pt-100 in the holder as reference Assume that PEN tube and holder at the same temperature in equilibrium (before PENEL switched on, justified by TV test with PEN FS) Interpolate resistance backward in time to start of PENEL preheating (equilibrium) => R i =R i (T ref ), i=1,2,…,16 5 inflight calibration points between -107°C and -96°C points acquired since PC#6 PEN1 PEN16 TCU-MUPUS-DD Pt-100 PENEL, T=-50°C
6 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 Steins Flyby Results MUPUS worked flawlessly during Steins flyby 4607 science data packets produced during continous MUPUS TEM mode operations for 17 h around CA No communication problems Magnetometer measurements disturbed Temperature rise of PHILAE balcony detected with all MUPUS sensors Strong gradient after spacecraft flip (especially for ANC-T) MUPUS inflight calibration data gives consistent PEN temperature readings
7 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 THC2 Results 1, PEN temperatures Using only inflight calibration points (linear extrapolation) !
8 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 THC2 Results 2 (Calibration comparison) - Most PEN sensors stable since ground calibration in PEN sensors have changed R(T) characteristics
9 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 THC2 Results 5 (ANC-T temperatures) - ANC-T temperatures not strongly dependent on E-Box temperature - Differences between ANC-T and TCU-Anchor sensors probably real
10 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 THC2 Summary MUPUS worked flawlessly during THC2 7907 science data packets produced during continous MUPUS TEM mode operations for 75 hours Strong temperature rise of PHILAE balcony detected with all MUPUS sensors Highest balcony temperature recorded in flight MUPUS inflight calibration gives consistent PEN temperature readings 5 PEN sensors changed R(T) characteristics since ground calibration ANC-T temperatures consistent with TCU anchor sensors Very useful for improvement of MUPUS calibration ! Thanks to LCC, SONC, and ESA !
11 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 Experiment Status for Cruise ScROP Requests closed R_LZ021: MUP_8 Repetition of MUPUS PC4 Tests with revised MUPUS SW R_ LZ023: MUP_13 MUPUS Software patch V7.2 R_LZ095: MUP_12 MUPUS Participation in PHILAE Thermal Characterization tests Open ScROP Requests R_LZ022: MUP_10 EEPROM refresh procedure R_LZ070: MUP_11 MUPUS Participation in PHILAE interference tests R_LZ071: MUP_15 Test of the MUPUS on-comet first science sequence procedure R_LZ107: MUP_16 Test of the MUPUS on-comet monitoring procedure NCR Status All MUPUS NCR’s closed
12 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 Remaining Cruise Activities PC10 Operations R_LZ017: MUP_4 MUPUS In-Flight Calibration R_LZ070: MUP_11 MUPUS Participation in PHILAE interference tests PC12 Operations R_LZ017: MUP_4 MUPUS In-Flight Calibration R_LZ022: MUP_10 EEPROM refresh procedure R_LZ071: MUP_15 Test of the MUPUS on-comet first science sequence procedure (joint PHILAE test) R_LZ107: MUP_16 Test of the MUPUS on-comet monitoring procedure (joint PHILAE test) Lutetia Operations Preferably as during Steins/THC2 (tbc, ROMAP ?) PC13 Operations R_LZ017: MUP_4 MUPUS In-Flight Calibration
13 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 MUPUS during SDL TM calibration during descent (R-SDL-1, MUPUS FOP) TM has lost sensitivity Unique opportunity for inflight calibration with undisturbed known background ANC-M acceleration measurements at touchdown (R-SDL-4) Starts with pre-trigger (ringbuffer) mode (Interrupts enabled, SST evaluated) Information from CDMS by SST about selected anchor for firing required at least 100 ms before firing (R-SDL-5) ECR By MUPUS on CDMS raised 2006, CDMS fulfilled (A. Balasz) INT4 (hardware) trigger starts sampling with 48 kHz for about 650 ms (1 RAM page, 64 kByte !), Interrupts disabled ! Pre-trigger mode, software checks SST again for either: safe anchoring => finish ANC mode, start data transmission to CDMS firing of next anchor, then data transmission to CDMS Read the FOP ! Minimum time (> 0.65 s) needed between two anchor shots to be analyzed !
14 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 SDL cont., ANC-T Thermal diffusivity Extension of MUPUS operation during SDL until at least 1 h after touchdown for ANC-T thermal diffusivity measurement (R-SDL-6) Deepest thermal properties measurement of a comet ! Combine with Thermal Inertia measurements (one full rotation ~ h) during FSS (keep MUPUS ON for a full rotation of the comet) to save ressources. Read the FOP !
15 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 MUPUS during LTS MUPUS is a longterm experiment aimed at detecting changes in subsurface structure caused by increasing activity => Landing in an „active region“ (R-LT-2) Activity is the KEY PROPERTY of a COMET ! MUPUS should be operated whenever feasible during LTS (R-LT-1) Operation at least once a week for a full rotation (R-LT-3/4)
16 LOWG#12, DLR Cologne 18-20th of November 2008 Scientific activities MUPUS Team Meeting in May 2009 (Graz) MUPUS Flight operations (update of FOP) Thermal properties measurement method Assessment of reference methods and materials Definition/Characterization of MUPUS internal standards Lab experiments + thermal modelling Improvement of temperature calibration Thermal modelling + Lab Experiments Science Themes Inputs Delivered to Lead Scientists in August 2008 (Minor) update Feb New approach for thermal modelling of active regions Moving boundaries, Stefan problem (E. Kührt, N. Gortzas)