Multi-level Proximity Routing and its applications for Networking Tomer Tankel Dept. of Electrical Eng. – Systems
Problem and Applications Problems: Using Measurement for distance estimation Routing in fixed and Ad Hoc networks Navigation in Traffic Networks Applications: Closest mirror selection Given a set of servers, s i 1≤i≤K, and a client, c, find a server s j, s.t., i 1≤i≤K d(s j,c)≤ αd(s i,c)+β Content Distribution in P2P networks Real-Time Vehicle Routing Server
Outline Basic-MPR Aggregation and Query Hierarchical Maps, Exp. Query Accuracy Applications –DIMES IP hop and delay graphs. –Europe Road Network –Simulated Ad Hoc Network
Distance Estimation/Routing Issues Scalability –Complexity (Memory, CPU) –Measurement Approximated Input –Dissemination Need Accurate & Fast Query Algorithm!
Multi-level Proximity Routing (MPR) Limited routing scope (2-neighborhood) Neglect a node if its neighbors selected. Neglect longer paths between nodes.
Multi-level Proximity Routing Sibling Edge
Each cluster head i which is not selected iteratively select neighbors j 1,j 2 …j k with maximum select score until Here <1 is the aggregation factor. Increasing it yields more optimal but denser MPR, with larger memory and run time complexities. Select Stage
l-level parents path types where p 1,2 are parents of child u 1,2. Remove edge i→j if not shorter than Interpolate Stage
Aggregation Step Complexity
MPR Experiments GraphNodesArcs/ Edges Basic MPR CPU* Build sec Query ms DIMES IP Delay w16/ ( directed ) DIMACS 9’th Euro- Road ( directed ) Simulate Ad-Hoc ( undirected )
Euro-Road Network
Simulated Ad-Hoc
Conclusion MPR is a scalable approach to –Routing –Location –Distance Estimation –Sensor and Ad Hoc networks –Multicast Multi-level for high complexity graph problems –Qos Routing –Embedding