PPA 691 – Seminar in Public Policy Analysis Lecture 1c – A Framework for Policy Analysis
The Meaning of Policy Analysis Policy analysis is “any type of analysis that generates and presents information in such a way as to improve the basis for policy-makers to exercise their judgment. . . . In policy analysis, the word analysis is used in its most general sense; It implies the use of intuition and judgment and encompasses not only the examination of policy by decomposition into its components but also the design and synthesis of new alternatives. The activities involved may range from research to illuminate or provide insight into an anticipated issue or problem to evaluation of a completed program. Some policy analyses are informal, involving nothing more than hard and careful thinking whereas others require extensive data gathering and elaborate calculation employing sophisticated mathematical processes.” E.S. Quade, 1975.
The Meaning of Policy Analysis Analytical questions. If policy analysis may involve any type of analysis, what are the types? How may different types of analysis contribute to improved judgment among policymakers? On what basis can we distinguish among intuition, decomposition, and synthesis? Do these methods exhaust the range of possible alternatives open to the policy analyst? In short, what are the specific methodological features of policy analysis?
An Applied Social Science Discipline Policy analysis draws from a variety of disciplines and professions whose aims are descriptive, evaluative, and prescriptive. Social and behavioral sciences, public administration, law, philosophy, ethics, and various branches of systems analysis and applied mathematics.
An Applied Social Science Discipline Policy analysis produces information and plausible arguments about three kinds of questions. Values whose attainment is the main test of whether a problem has been resolved. Facts whose presence may limit or enhance the attainment of values. Actions whose adoption may result in the attainment of values.
Table 3.1. Three Approaches to Policy Analysis. PRIMARY QUESTION TYPE OF INFORMATION Empirical Does it and will it exist? (Facts) Descriptive and predictive Valuative Of what worth is it? (Values) Normative What should be done? (Action) Prescriptive
An Applied Social Science Discipline. Traditional social science disciplines have avoided the evaluative and normative approaches because of deep-seated beliefs in the desirability of separation of facts and values. Prescriptions and recommendations are often viewed as mere emotionalism, ideology, or activism. In reality, policy analysis can produce policy-relevant information and plausible arguments about possible solutions for public problems.
Multiple Methods of Inquiry The production of policy-relevant information takes place employing definite analytical procedures. Vary in terms of kinds of questions asked and temporal relation to action. Before action is adopted (prediction and prescription). After action has occurred (description and evaluation).
Multiple Methods of Inquiry General analytical procedures. Monitoring (description). Forecasting (prediction). Evaluation (evaluation). Recommendation (prescription). Problem structuring. Hierarchical relationship.
Types of Policy-relevant Information Policy problems. Unrealized value, need, or opportunity for improvement that may be obtained through public action. Policy future. A consequence of a course of action that may contribute to the attainment of values and, hence, the resolution of a policy problem.
Types of Policy-relevant Information Policy action. A move or series of moves guide by a policy alternative that is designed to achieve valued future outcomes. Policy outcome. An observed consequence of policy actions. Policy performance. The degree to which a given policy outcome contributes to the attainment of values.
Policy Systems
Problem-centered Policy Analysis
Forms of Policy Analysis Prospective policy analysis. The production of information before policy actions are initiated and implemented Characterizes operating styles of economists, systems analysts, and operations researchers. Retrospective policy analysis. The production and transformation of information after policy actions are taken. Characterizes operating styles of discipline-oriented analysts, problem-oriented analysts, and application oriented analysts.