Architecture Eclipse Framework with Plugin Concept JTransformer Plugin Analysis + Transformation interface: logical Program.language keeps representation synchron with Java Source Prolog Database JDT Plugin Eclipse Java IDE provides Abstract Syntax Tree Java Source Java Model Deltas ConTraCT Plugin Editor for Conditional Transformations Apply Refactorings Conditional Transformations CULTIVATE Plugin Bad-Smell-Analysis Visualization of Bad-Smells Remove Bad Smells by appropriate Refactorings uses uses for application
Subject: Improvement of (OO-)Software What is essence of good (OO-)Software? comprehensible, maintainable, extendable modular, locality of change reusable, appropriate abstraciton How do I find out, if my code is good? Adherence of coding standards „bad smells“ Design Patterns („good smells“) (OO-)Software-Metrics to be implemented in the practical part („Analysis“) How do I improve my code? Manual Restructuring Predefined Refactorings of your IDE Editable Refactorings to be implemented in the practical part („Transformations“)
Das CULTIVATE Plugin Purpose of the Plugins Improve the Java-Software with an interactive Tool for Programmanalysis and Refactoring-Support Tasks: analysis for „bad smells“ detection GUI Representation for the analysis detailed display for the each analysis appropriate refactorings, which remove the „bad smell“ glossary: Analysis: generic term for „bad smell“, Metrics,... Conditional Transformation: Transformation with precondition Refactoring: Conditional Transformation, which preserves the behaviour of the Software