Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Non-thermal hard X-ray emission from stellar coronae A. Maggio INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo G.S. Vaiana with contributions by C. Argiroffi, F. Reale Dip. Scienze Fisiche e Astronomiche – Università di Palermo G. Micela INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo G.S. Vaiana
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Why bother with hard X-rays from stellar coronae Scientific issues : Physics of plasma heating in magnetized astrophysical environments How magnetic energy is converted in kinetic and thermal energy Particle acceleration, thermalization, and energy dissipation Birth, evolution, and dynamics of stellar coronae Influence of high-energy emission on the circumstellar environment Ionization of protoplanetary disks and ISM “Space weather” effects on planetary systems
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Why non-thermal hard X-rays Non-maxwellian (supra-thermal) particle populations How are they generated? How do they depend on the stellar magnetic activity level? How efficiently are they trapped in stellar magnetospheres? What fraction does escape to the outer space? Multi-wavelength issues Soft (thermal) and hard (non-thermal) X-ray scaling Relation with synchrotron radio emission Probing energy release mechanism(s) by means of multi- wavelength photometry and time-resolved spectroscopy
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Ohki & Hudson, 1975 Non-thermal radiation from the flaring Sun Observed simultaneously during large flares SYNCHROTRON NON-THERMAL Bremsstrahlung
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Flaring X-ray emission sites: the “Masuda flare” prototype Simple geometry Localized hard X-ray emission (15-90 keV, in 3 sites) Extended soft X-ray emission (1-3 keV) Cusp-like magnetic field configuration (inferred) Masuda et al. 1994
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Sui & Holman, 2004 Anzer & Pneuman, 1982 Hard X-ray imaging of the solar corona with RHESSI
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Example of more complex structures
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Time scales and the Neupert effect Güdel et al. 1996
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 π 0 Decay Non-thermal Bremsstrahlung Thermal Emission Large solar flares: X-ray and -ray spectrum Positron and Nuclear Gamma-Ray lines T = 20 MK T = 40 MK Fe and Ni K lines Simbol-X range Courtesy H. Hudson
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 High-energy tails in solar microflares ● X-ray luminosities – erg/s ● Characteristics similar to large flares: thermal component + broken power-law ● Lower break energies and steeper slopes RHESSI spectra (Krucker & Lin 2005)
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Reference phenomenological model 1. Magnetic field reconnection event 2. Particle acceleration (electron beam) 3. Gyrosynchrotron emission from mildly relativistic electrons with a power-law energy distribution 4. Thick-target non-thermal bremsstrahlung (hard X-ray emission from loop footpoints) 5. Chromospheric plasma heating and evaporation 6. Optically-thin thermal soft X-ray emission
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 From the Sun to the stars SunActive stars X-ray luminosities L x /L bol ~ (quiescent) L x /L bol ~ (large flares) L x /L bol ~ (quiescent) L x /L bol ~ (large flares) Occurrence of large flares 1 every 10 days (at max of solar cycle) A few per day (no magnetic cycle?) Flare time scales up to a few hoursup to a few days Coronal plasma temperatures 10 6 K (quiencent) 10 7 K (flaring) 10 7 K (quiencent) 10 8 K (flaring) ???
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Güdel 2002 Evidence of non-thermal processes in active stars ● Steady, quiescent emission with rather flat spectra ● Non-thermal gyrosynchron + gyroresonance components ● Interpretation: mildly relativistic electrons in 100G fields with power- law indices 2-4 ● Open question: continuous acceleration?
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Stellar soft X-ray vs. radio emission ● Correlation over 8 dex, including full range of solar flares ● Thermal and non- thermal emission appear linked ● Are stellar coronae heated by continuous flaring activity? Benz & Güdel 1994
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Extreme stellar flares: the case of AB Doradus Young active K1V star observed with BeppoSAX 100-fold increase of X-ray emission Peak temperatures 10 8 K Hard X-ray emission detected up to 50 keV with the PDS detector Maggio et al. 2000
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 AB Dor flares: X-ray light curves Pallavicini et al LECS (0.1-5 keV) MECS (2-10 keV) HPGSPC (4-20 keV) PDS (15-50 keV)
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 AB Dor hard X-ray spectrum Different evolutionary phases but similar L X Very similar coronal thermal structure 3-T model (left) and 2-T + power law model (right) yield spectral fits of similar quality 300 MK ! N e (E) E -2.5
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 The case of II Peg Osten et al Flare detected by Swift/BAT, followed for 3 orbits with XRT Emission up to 80 keV lasting 2 hours Alternative interpretations: MK thermal emission (rejected) OR - thick-target bremsstrhlung with N e (E) E -3
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Thermal vs. non-thermal emission: scaling from solar flares GOES keV flux vs RHESSI keV flux (Isola et al. 2007, see poster) F (20-40) ~ 10 7 F G 1.37 Soft and hard X-ray emission at flare peak are correlated Extreme stellar flares follow the solar scaling We can predict what Simbol-X would see Two caveats: - Extreme flares are rare AND - hot thermal components may contribute significantly to the hard X-ray emission
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Simbol-X spectral diagnostics of Non-Thermal emission (Argiroffi et al. 2007, see poster) Simulations of NT components in typical stellar flares NT recognized when unphysical thermal components are found (T > 300 MK) Required > 20 total counts in the keV band Other constraints - Neupert effect - thermalization and energy loss time scales - Fe K line ratios - Fluorescence or collisional ionization Fe lines solar flares
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Conclusions Simbol-X will allow us to explore hard-X emission from stellar coronae in a regime not reached by past observatories The best targets to search for non-thermal emission components are nearby active stars known to exhibit frequent, moderately hot flares Spectral fitting + timing analysis + physical time scales arguments will allow to infer non-thermal components if > 20 total counts are collected in the keV band
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Variability studies II: Proxima Cen dM5.5e flare star GO, Aug 2001 (PI: Güdel) Hydrodynamic modeling Evidence of triggered impulsive events Contraints on primary and secondary heating pulse duration (~10 min), and heating decay time scale (~ 1 h). Analogy with intense solar flares Count rate Emission Measure Reale et al. 2003, A&A Temperature
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Prox Cen vs. Sun Analogy with class X6 “Bastille day” solar flare Striking difference of spatial scales and energy budget, but similar morphology and time evolution
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Different evolutionary phases but similar L X Very similar coronal thermal structure The case of GT Mus
Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007 Different evolutionary phases but similar L X Very similar coronal thermal structure Simbol-X vs. SUZAKU