- 1 - Intentional Mobility in Wireless Sensor Networks Deployment, Dispatch, and Applications Dr. You-Chiun Wang ( 王友群 ) Department of Computer Science, National Chiao-Tung University 2010/10/22
- 2 - Wireless Sensor Networks SENSROS ARE STATIC!
- 3 - “Mobile” Sensor Networks Some sensor nodes can move around (e.g., robots). Purpose: automatic deployment, network repairing, and sensor dispatch
- 4 - Topics Automatic Deployment Mobile Sensor Dispatch Systems & Applications iMouse System VSN (Vehicular Sensor Network) System
- 5 - Automatic Deployment SENSROS ARE MOBILE!
- 6 - In a “Perfect” World
- 7 - In a “Real” World network partition partial coverage
- 8 - Can Sensors Reorganize a WSN “by Themselves”? network partition partial coverage
- 9 - Question A Given a sensing field A possibly with obstacles, how can we make mobile sensors automatically deploy a network in an efficient way? Use the smallest number of sensors. Sensors can consume the minimum energy to reorganize the network
Overview of Solutions We first calculate the locations to place sensors and then dispatch mobile sensors to these locations. Placement solution should use fewer sensors. Dispatch solution should move sensors so that they can remain the maximum energy after movement. placement Energy dispatch
Placement Algorithm A Partition a sensing field A into sub-regions and then place sensors in each region: Single-row regions A belt-like area between obstacles whose width is NOT larger than, where r min = min(r s, r c ). We can deploy a sequence of sensors to satisfy both coverage and connectivity. Multi-row regions We need multiple rows of sensors to cover such areas. Note: obstacles may exist in such regions.
Step 1: Partition the Sensing Field A From A, we first identify all single-row regions. A’s Expand the obstacles’ perimeters outwardly and A’s boundaries inwardly by a distance of. If the expansion overlaps with obstacles, we take a projection to obtain single-row regions. The remaining regions are multi-row regions.
Step 2: Place Sensors in a Single-Row Region Place sensors along the bisector of region.
Step 3: Place Sensors in a Multi-Row Region Place sensors row by row. A row of sensors guarantee coverage and connectivity. Adjacent rows guarantee continuous coverage.
Step 4: Handle the Boundary Case Three unsolved problems Some areas near the boundaries are NOT covered. Connectivity between adjacent rows needs to be maintained. Connectivity to neighboring regions should be maintained. Solutions Sequentially place sensors along the boundaries. Not all boundaries should be placed with sensors.
Dispatch Algorithm (1/5) Find a maximum-weight maximum matching in a weighted complete bipartite graph. Sensors vs. locations We should take care of the obstacles inside the sensing field. A I
Dispatch Algorithm (2/5) I B D C E I Run sensor placement algorithm on I to get the target locations. L={(x 1, y 1 ), (x 2, y 2 ), (x 3, y 3 ), (x 4, y 4 )} Compute energy cost A
Dispatch Algorithm (3/5) Construct the weighted complete bipartite graph. A B C D E Sensors Locations Weights of edges: w(s i,l j ) = 40 – c(s i,l j ) - objective function: remaining energy - all sensors have initial energy of 40 ABCDE A 1: needs 9 energy weight (A,1) = 40 – 9 = 31
Dispatch Algorithm (4/5) Find the maximum-weight maximum matching. Hungarian Method: finds the optimal solution in O(n 3 ). A B C D E Sensors Locations ABCDE
Dispatch Algorithm (5/5) Sensors are dispatched to the matched locations. A B C D E I A B D C E Does not move Sensors Locations