Title of Grammar Rule Authors’ names
Grammar Rule Explain chosen grammar rule. Also give an explanation of your rule being used.
Grammar Rule Explain how students may not follow your grammar rule. Give an example of the mistakes that students make when your rule is not followed.
Grammar Rule Stress the importance of your grammar rule. How does all students using this rule help with understanding of each other’s written work? Give an example of your rule being used correctly.
Grammar Rule Give helpful tips or a way for students to remember how to correctly follow your rule. Give another correct example of your rule being used.
Check for Understanding Use this slide to see if there are any questions or if any one in your audience is confused.
References List any Internet or book references that you used to design this PowerPoint and to teach your rule
Grammar Rule Practice Over the next few slides, have the class practice your rule. You can choose to have the class correct the grammar of a sentence or fill in the correct word, words or punctuation. Either way that you choose design your examples, there needs to be class interaction of providing responses to the example given on the slide.