RingTree Roundabout Exploring Trees Michael Knapp & Werner Bruckner VU Informationsvisualisierung VU Informationsvisualisierung
M. Knapp & W. Bruckner 2 / 8 Overview Radial, Space-Filling (RSF) Hierarchy Vis. n Introduction n Selection n Navigation n Coloring n Conclusion
M. Knapp & W. Bruckner 3 / 8 Introduction n Motivation u Efficient use of display space u Better visual impression than treemaps n Drawbacks u Small slices difficult to distinguish u Limited Navigation, Selection, Modification Our implementaion tries to address drawbacks
M. Knapp & W. Bruckner 4 / 8 Selection n Simply by clicking on a node n Selected node is highlighted n Borders dictated by parent node shown
M. Knapp & W. Bruckner 5 / 8 Navigation: Radial Distortion n Thickness of layers is expanded or contracted, circular edges are fixed n Outmost radius remains unchanged
M. Knapp & W. Bruckner 6 / 8 Navigation: Circular Distortion n Thickness of layers is fixed, circular edges are movable n Limited to angle range of parent node n Node changes size with size of its siblings
M. Knapp & W. Bruckner 7 / 8 Coloring n Similar colors for nodes belonging to the same cluster n Parent‘s color derived from its children n Larger child contributes more to parent‘s color
M. Knapp & W. Bruckner 8 / 8 Implementation Results n Navigation u Radial distortion u Circular distortion n Coloring u Middle color u Average color n Selection u Simple brushing