CS 316: Introduction to Computer Organization and Systems Programming
2 Course Objective Bridge the gap between hardware and software How a processor works How a computer is organized How to program concurrent systems Establish a foundation for building higher- level applications How to optimize programs How to debug large systems
Logistics Lectures 1120 Snee Hall!!!! (NOTE THE CHANGE) Instructor Prof. Sirer Office Hours: T Th 2:30-3:30 TAs Kevin Walsh, kwalsh at cs.cornell.edu Michael Siegenthaler, msiegen at cs.cornell.edu
Communication Course Web Page CHECK IT OFTEN Office hours, assignments, etc. will be there This document will be linked in cs316 at systems.cs.cornell.edu The alias goes to me and the TAs, not to whole class
Administrative Course has three components Lectures Homeworks and Exams Projects You are expected to keep up with all three
Grading Breakdown 40% Projects (approx. 4 assignments) 40% Prelims and Final 15% Homeworks (approx. 4-8) 5% Flexgrade (participation, attitude, improvement and effort) Grading will not be done on a curve It is my goal to be able to give everyone an A+ Help me achieve this
Sections & Projects Sections start next week Projects will be done in two-person teams We will pair you up if you don’t have a preferred partner Start early, time management is key Manage the team effort
Academic Integrity All submitted work must be your own OK to study together Cannot share solutions however Project groups submit joint work Same restrictions apply to projects at the group level Cannot be in possession of someone else’s solution Closed-book exams, no calculators
Questions? And demographics…