tecfa.unige.ch Does a shared screen make a shared understanding ?
tecfa.unige.ch NO
tecfa.unige.ch shared screen shared understanding shared understanding WYSIWIS Collaborative learning Grounding shared understanding
tecfa.unige.ch Restaurant Kitchen Private Bar Room5Room6Room7Room8 Room1Room2Room3Room4 Lobby Entrance MLV Lisa Jones Claire & Rolf Loretan Colonel Von Schneider Lucie SalèveHeidi Zeller Hans Wenger Marie Salève Oscar Salève Jacques Salève Giuzeppe Vesuvio Ski jacket Gun Painting Insurance Note Gun Oylster PhoneLog Registry WHO KILLED MONA-LISA?
tecfa.unige.ch MOO Auberge Guest Room: 4 You enter a largue blue room with a small window. You see Helmut, Ski Jacket, and Gun here. Obvious Exits: Out (to Lower Corridor). > look gun You see an old Swiss army pistol. > ask helmut about last night I stayed at the bar until 9 Pm and then went to bed. > page sherlock Interesting isn't? Sherlock has received your page. He pages « He lies ». Sherlock joins you.
tecfa.unige.ch > " Hi colleague > ' Where are you? > ask MS about last night > look gun > ask MS about last gun > read insurance > read all from DN2 > read Hans from DN2 > compare DN1 with DN2 MOO Whiteboard > " skjhkjh dfsdfsf > ask Helmut about last night > ask MS about mona > look painting > read all from DN1 > read Hans from DN1 > compare DN1 with DN1 MOO Whiteboard 20 pairs
tecfa.unige.ch? How does the whiteboard help to ground utterances share solutions
tecfa.unige.ch Whiteboard roles: envisionning solutions grouding utterances explanatory schema deictics shared memory regulation > " skjhkjh dfsdfsf > ask Helmut about last night > ask MS about mona > look painting > read all from DN1 > read Hans from DN1 > compare DN1 with DN1 MOO Whiteboard
tecfa.unige.ch The whiteboard is the central space for sharing information (in this task)
tecfa.unige.ch PersistentNon-Persistent Persistent Non Persistent Display Knowledge Whiteboard MOO dialogues
tecfa.unige.ch Grounding varies according to problem solving variables
tecfa.unige.ch Acknowlegment in MOO dialogues Rate = 41% (90% in voice experiments) Not related with MOO expertise Not related with interactions parameters symmetry(ack+): 8%= symmetry(ack-): 8% ack (short delay): 41% = ack (long delay): 41%; ack (freq+.talkers): 41%= ack (freq-.talkers): 42%; turnsIC (ack+): 0.9 = turnsIC (ack+): 0.9 Related with problem sloving N. actions (ack+):178 <<.05 N. actions (ack-) : 237 redudancy (ack+): 6 <<.01 redudancy (ack-): 18
tecfa.unige.ch Degree of sharedness Acces Visibility Understanding Agreement Facts in whiteboard Facts in talk Inferences in talk Inferences in whiteboard Rate of acknowledgment
tecfa.unige.ch.... and the subjects: maintain multiple conversational contexts are sensitive to space beyond any functional constraint negotiate across modalities (re-)allocate functions to tools in various ways
tecfa.unige.ch Collect facts Share facts Share inferences Store facts Store inferences Coordinate action MOO dialogue MOO action White board Note book
tecfa.unige.ch Distributed Cognition Reconfigurable because distributed Shared despite distrbuted
tecfa.unige.ch How do agents co- construct culture ?
tecfa.unige.ch WYSIWIS-relaxed+ awareness tools jhk slk hlkjsh lkjhsdl kgjhnbjhb sh rgl hc,cg lkw kjehéeéhlk h jhk slk hlkjsh lkjhsdl kgjhnbjhb sh rgl hc,cg lkw kjehéeéhlk h jhk slk hlkjsh lkjhsdl kgjhnbjhb sh rgl hc,cg lkw kjehéeéhlk h jhk slk hlkjsh lkjhsdl
tecfa.unige.ch shared understanding ?