A TREASURE HUNT OF DUBLIN In preparation of the study trip for first Bachillerato students 7-12 April 2011 Profesoras: Maria José Sánchez y Charo Gómez, con la colaboración de Maribel López Departamento de inglés IES Antonio Machado
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 1: Irene Vicente, Laura Reinoso, Andrea Ávila y Daniel Gómez 1º A Task: Make a short powerpoint presentation. Writers related to Dublin: Jonathan Swift; Oscar Wilde, Samuel Becket, James Joyce. –Find some information about them and their books. –Where in Dublin can you find an exhibition of their lives and work? –Where in Dublin can you find a statue of some of them? –Useful links:
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 2: Andrea Sobas,1ºE y Silvia Moreno, 1ºC Task: Make a short powerpoint presentation. –Trinity collegue. –The Library –The book of Kell Useful links :
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 3: Alejandro de Gea y Alejandra Roldán 1ºB Task: Make a short powerpoint presentation. Molly Malone. –Who was this woman? –Why is she so famous? –Where in Dublin can you find her statue? –Find a traditional song about her. –Find a video with the lyrics to play to your classmates. Useful links :
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 4: Marta Paraiso y Clara Pelayo 1º B Task: Make a short powerpoint presentation. The Spire. –What is it? –Who built it? –What is the meaning of the Spire? –Where can you find it? Useful links: -
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 5: Estefanía Ramajo 1º C Task: Make a short powerpoint presentation. The Wicklow Mountains –Where are they? What is special about them? –What can you do if you visit them ? Useful links: -
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 6: Marina Villaverde y Carlos Vallejo 1ºC Task: Make a short powerpoint presentation. Powercourt Palace -Its history -Owners Useful links:
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 7: Paula Mayo y Eric Faas 1º C Task: Make a short powerpoint presentation. St Patrick’s cathedral Useful links:
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 8: Alicia Couso y Sandra Rodriguez 1ºE Task: Make a short powerpoint presentation. –Christ Church Useful links:
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 9: Víctor Sánchez y Diego Sánchez 1º E Task: Make a short powerpoint presentation. –The Liffey River and O’Connell street –Where is the river? Why is O’Connell street important? –Who was O’Connell? Useful links:
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 10: Patricia Murillo y Sergio González 1º G Task: Make a short powerpoint presentation. –Dublin Castle : –Its history –What is it used for today? Useful links:
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 11: Sara Hernández y Georgina Balcan 1º G Task: Make a short powerpoint presentation. The Guiness storehouse. –Who built it? –What can you find there? Useful links:
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 12: Alicia Sánchez y Encarnación Fernández 1º B Task: Make a short powerpoint presentation. –The Temple bar Area –What can you find there? Useful links :
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 12 : Gerardo Romero y David Fernández 1ºC Task : Make a short powerpoint presentation. Stephen’s Green –What it is? What you can find there? –The statues in the park Useful links : -
TASKS AND TEAMS Team 13 : Samuel Ibarra 1º I Task: Make a short powerpoint presentation. Dublin Viking Museum –What type of a museum is it? –What can you see there? –What can you do there? Useful links :