Dr. Michael R. Hyman, NMSU Correlation (Click icon for audio)
3 Correlation Coefficient Statistical measure of the co-variation or association between two variables The correlation coefficient for two variables, X and Y is: Sample question to test for statistical and managerial significance: Are dollar sales associated with advertising dollar expenditures?
4 Correlation Does Not Mean Causation Rooster’s crow and the rising of the sun –Rooster does not cause the sun to rise. Teachers’ salaries and liquor consumption –Co-vary because both are influenced by a third variable (e.g., state of economy) Examples: High correlations without causation
5 Possible Values for r ranges from +1 to -1 r = +1: a perfect positive linear relationship r = -1: a perfect negative linear relationship r = 0: no correlation
6 Correlation Patterns
7 Simple Correlation Coefficient
8 = Variance of X = Variance of Y = Covariance of X and Y
9 Coefficient of Determination
10 Correlation Matrix Standard form for reporting correlation results
11 Correlation Matrix
12 Correlation for Ordinal Data