Etching Film deposition Photoresist coating Lithography Development Film etching Together with calibration sample Optical inspection Measure photoresist thickness Material characterization (magnetic, transport properties,... Resist strip Optical inspection Técnicas de Micro e Nanofabricação (2º semestre 2005/06) __________________ 1º Trabalho __________________ data: __________ __________________
Film deposition Photoresist coating Lithography Developing Film etching Resist strip Run Sheet #1-etching ConditionsProcess stepComments Deposition method: Machine: Deposition conditions: Substrate preparation substrate: Clean in Alconox solution + DI water Calibration sample: Mask : _________________ Map : ______________ Origin: X= ________, Y= _______ Energy : _______% ( Power : ______) Focus : ______Room Humidity: __________ vapor prime 5 minutes coat with 1.5 m PR (recipe 6/2) recipe 5/2 development time : ______ Etching method: Machine: Etching conditions: + ultrasonic Conditions for cleaning: Rinse with IPA + DI water + dry N 2 Total time in hot -strip Date: ______ Thickness to etch: Estimated etch time: Total time:
Lift-off Photoresist coating Lithography Development Film deposition Optical inspection Measure photoresist thickness Resist strip Material characterization (resistivity, index of refraction...) Measure film thickness Together with calibration sample
Film deposition Photoresist coating Lithography Developing Resist strip Run Sheet #1-liftoff ConditionsProcess stepComments Deposition method: Machine: Deposition conditions: Substrate preparation substrate: Clean in Alconox solution + DI water Calibration sample: Mask : _________________ Map : ______________ Origin: X= ________, Y= _______ alignment: YES / NO Energy : _______% ( Power : ______) Focus : ______Room Humidity: __________ vapor prime 5 minutes coat with 1.5 m PR (recipe 6/2) recipe 5/2 development time : ______ + ultrasonic Conditions for cleaning: Rinse with IPA + DI water + dry N 2 Total time in hot -strip Date: ______