Understanding NetWare 5.1 Preparing for installation Installing NetWare 5.1 Configuring NetWare 5.1 client OVERVIEW
NetWare 5.1 Novell Directory Services (NDS) Novell Storage Services (NSS) UNDERSTANDING NETWARE 5.1
Is a dedicated NOS. Performs only server duties. Requires less RAM and disk space. NOS designed to provide support for TCP/IP. NetWare 5.1
Is provided by NetWare 5.1. Is analogous to Microsoft’s Active Directory. Is available on several platforms (UNIX/Windows NT). Novell Directory Services (NDS)
Improves NetWare’s capabilities in handling large and numerous disk volumes. Volumes mount in seconds. Novell Storage Services (NSS)
Check hardware compatibility. Check hardware configuration. Test server hardware. Survey the server. PREPARING FOR INSTALLATION
Hardware should be certified to be used with NOS. Novell’s Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) should be checked. Check hardware compatibility
Requirements: Pentium II or greater processor MB RAM. 50MB primary partition to boot DOS and NetWare kernel. 1.3GB space for SYS partition. Check hardware configuration
Additional disk space for user and application files. Network card certified for NetWare 5.1. CD-ROM to install NetWare. MS-DOS version 3.3 or greater. Check hardware configuration
Hardware: Processor(s) System board components RAM Disk space Test the server hardware
Considerations: Disk controller model Slot number of the disk controller Disk configuration Hardware RAID set up Surveying the server
Considerations: Network Interface Card (NIC) model NIC slot number IRQs and Ports (for another installed card) Maker of the motherboard (for multiprocessor server) Surveying the server
Set up computer to the boot DOS (with CD-ROM support) and run the installation program from the CD-ROM. Install NetWare 5.1 over existing Network by copying the CD-ROM contents to another server. INSTALL NETWARE 5.1
Steps: Set up a primary boot partition on the boot hard disk. Boot the server to DOS. Change directories to the CD-ROM drive letter. Run the INSTALL.BAT file. Install Netware 5.1
Steps: Press F10 to accept license agreement. The program prompts you to choose between a new server and a server upgrade. The program requests the directory from which the basic NetWare files will load. Choose settings for the server. Install Netware 5.1
Steps: Select the mouse type and video type. Choose Continue. Choose the country code, code page, and keyboard type. Choose Continue. Install Netware 5.1
Steps: The installation program copies NetWare files from the CD- ROM to the server’s hard disk drive. Choose modules for installation. Select a HotPlug Support Module to support HotPlug devices. Choose the drivers for the storage adaptors. Choose Continue. Install Netware 5.1
Steps: On the next screen choose storage devices and Network board. Choose Continue. The installation program prompts you to create a NetWare volume. Choose Continue. Install Netware 5.1
Steps: The installation program copies NetWare 5.1 to the hard disk (installation continues in graphical mode). Choose a name for the server. Select Network protocols that the server will support. If you select TCP/IP, provide the server’s IP address, subnet mask, and the address for the Network router. Install Netware 5.1
Steps: Install license files that the server will need to operate. The program asks for the NetWare options to install. Click Next to continue. The installation program prompts you either to set up the server or to create a new NDS tree on the Network. Assign a name for the NDS tree, the context for the tree, and an Administrator login name and password. Install Netware 5.1
For Windows 9x or NT clients: NetWare software includes Windows 9x and NT. Novell client software. CONFIGURE A NETWARE 5.1 CLIENT
Less powerful. Requires less disk space. Uses less memory. Is easy to install. Select the client software you want to install from the splash screen. Novell client software
Starting the installation
Steps: Choose either a typical or custom installation. Click Install to continue. Novell client software
Choosing a typical installation
Steps: The program prompts for the operating system CD-ROM. It copies the necessary files. Restart the computer. Configure NetWare client. Open the Network dialog box Fill the Preferred Server, Preferred Tree, and Name Context fields. Novell client software
Entering a default server, tree, and context
Steps: Confirm connectivity to the server. Check the SYS volume on the server mapped to drive Z. Browse the server to see all the default folders located on the SYS partition. Novell client software
Browsing the NetWare server’s resources
Understanding NetWare 5.1: NetWare 5.1 Novell Directory Services (NDS) Novell Storage Services (NSS) SUMMARY
Preparing for installation: Check hardware compatibility. Check hardware configuration. Test server hardware. Survey the server. Summary
Installing NetWare 5.1: Steps Configure a NetWare 5.1 client: Novell client software Summary