Powerpoint Presentation 1. The topic of the presentation meets the requirements of the assignment. (/5) 1. The topic of the presentation meets the requirements of the assignment. (/5) 2. The presentation seems to be well researched. (/5) 2. The presentation seems to be well researched. (/5) 3. The presentation is well organized and easy to understand. (/5) 3. The presentation is well organized and easy to understand. (/5) 4. The presenter has adequately prepared all required materials/props ahead of time. (/5) 4. The presenter has adequately prepared all required materials/props ahead of time. (/5) 5. The students seems to have a clear understanding of his/her topic. (/5) 5. The students seems to have a clear understanding of his/her topic. (/5) 6. The student has presented their project with enthusiasm and clarity. (/5) 6. The student has presented their project with enthusiasm and clarity. (/5) 7. The student delivers ideas in a clear and concise manner, without depending too much on notes. (/5). 7. The student delivers ideas in a clear and concise manner, without depending too much on notes. (/5). 8. The student speaks loudly and clearly enough to be heard by the audience. (/5). 8. The student speaks loudly and clearly enough to be heard by the audience. (/5). 9. The student maintains eye contact with the audience. (/5). 9. The student maintains eye contact with the audience. (/5). 10. Overall, the presentation has demonstrated full effort of the student's potential. (/5) 10. Overall, the presentation has demonstrated full effort of the student's potential. (/5) Additional Comments: ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Comments: ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Total Points: /50 (/5) = /10 Total Points: /50 (/5) = /10
Introduction /30 (/15) Marked out of /30 Marked out of /30 15 points: Clarity of Writing 15 points: Clarity of Writing organization, depth, logical argument, predictions, interesting, flow, includes only relevant details! organization, depth, logical argument, predictions, interesting, flow, includes only relevant details! 10 points: Quality of Writing 10 points: Quality of Writing syntax, grammar, spelling, word choice syntax, grammar, spelling, word choice 5 points: APA formatting 5 points: APA formatting length, headings, proper format and quality of references length, headings, proper format and quality of references **will be handed back to you with comments/suggestions for revisions!
Methods /30 (/15) Appropriate Sections Included: (/6) Appropriate Sections Included: (/6) At least Participants, Measures, Procedure, Data Analysis At least Participants, Measures, Procedure, Data Analysis Content and Grammar: (/18) Content and Grammar: (/18) Do the sections include all information (or a statement to the effect of what will be included)? Do the sections include all information (or a statement to the effect of what will be included)? Is the study understandable from what is described? Is the study understandable from what is described? When relevant, is reliability and validity information included? When relevant, is reliability and validity information included? Style: (/6) Style: (/6) Includes APA formatting and use of headings, etc. to convey information Includes APA formatting and use of headings, etc. to convey information
Results /30 (/15) Figures and Tables (/10) Figures and Tables (/10) Have descriptive statistics been provided in either a table or graph? Have descriptive statistics been provided in either a table or graph? Are the graphs simple and easy to read? Are the graphs simple and easy to read? Are all figures and tables labelled appropriately? Are all figures and tables labelled appropriately? Content and Grammar: (/15) Content and Grammar: (/15) Were the statistical tests applied appropriately? Were the statistical tests applied appropriately? Is there rational given for atypical tests used? Is there rational given for atypical tests used? Are results provided with appropriate/adequate information (obtained F value, df, level of significance)? Are results provided with appropriate/adequate information (obtained F value, df, level of significance)? Were the results discussed in sufficient detail? Were the results discussed in sufficient detail? Style: (/5) Style: (/5) Includes APA formatting and use of headings, etc. to convey information; proper use of reporting p values etc. Includes APA formatting and use of headings, etc. to convey information; proper use of reporting p values etc.
Discussion /30 (/15) Clarity of Writing (organization, depth, logical arguments): /15 Were the ideas organized into coherent paragraphs and formed a logical progression? Were the ideas organized into coherent paragraphs and formed a logical progression? Was a clear overall statement regarding support or non support of your research question provided? Was a clear overall statement regarding support or non support of your research question provided? Have possible problems, such as confounding variables and alternative explanations for the results, been discussed? Have possible problems, such as confounding variables and alternative explanations for the results, been discussed? Have the practical or theoretical applications and/or implications of the study's findings been discussed? Have the practical or theoretical applications and/or implications of the study's findings been discussed? Have suggestions for future research been made? Have suggestions for future research been made? Quality of Writing (grammar, spelling): /10 Did the ideas flow and were they easy to follow? Did the ideas flow and were they easy to follow? Were there awkward or unclear passages? Were there awkward or unclear passages? Were there many grammatical and spelling errors that detracted from the ideas of the paper? Were there many grammatical and spelling errors that detracted from the ideas of the paper? Style: APA formatting: /5
Final Paper /20 Clarity of Writing (organization, depth, logical arguments): /10 Quality of Writing (syntax, grammar, spelling) : /5 Appearance/format/followed directions (APA style formatting): /3 Improvement in writing over the course of the year: /2