equal opportunity/ADA institution Keep it Positive! 1.State goals in the present. –Example: I am losing five pounds. –Not: I will lose five pounds. 2.State your goals in positive terms. –Example: I eat three fruits everyday. –Not: I will not eat any candy bars. Building Strong Families - Go For It! Overhead #1
equal opportunity/ADA institution Keep it Positive! 3.Focus on where you want to be. –Example: In five years, I will have a new job that I love. –Not: I will not be stuck in this dead-end job. 4.Picture yourself carrying out your goal in the present. This will help you believe you can reach it. Building Strong Families - Go For It! Overhead #1
equal opportunity/ADA institution SMART Goals S – Specific M – Measurable A – Attainable R – Realistic T – Timely Building Strong Families - Go For It! Overhead #2
equal opportunity/ADA institution Reaching Your Goals 1.Set goals that you can reach. 2.Get support from friends or groups. 3.Avoid negative people Building Strong Families - Go For It! Overhead #3, Page 1
equal opportunity/ADA institution Reaching Your Goals 4.Set priorities every day. Decide what is most important. 5.Plan a reward in advance 6.Have your family practice setting goals every year. Building Strong Families - Go For It! Overhead #3, Page 2