Johnny is such an evil child. He deliberately hurt Jeff by dropping a book on his head.
3/11/03, between LA and Math. John is standing by Jeff, who is sitting at his desk. Jeff bent over to pick up something off the floor. John picked up a book and dropped it on Jeff’s head. John walked away smiling.
Anecdotal Records Record behaviors not readily documented through other means Have a plan – type of record per month for general support of assessments When concerns arise, then record more as needed
Anecdotal Records Record a specific incident/event Be descriptive – describe what you see Avoid making judgments/ evaluations in the record
Anecdotal Records Include context: date, time, where it happened, who was there Record as soon as possible
Anecdotal Records Consider how to write, keep track, and organize. Lots of methods (sticky notes, peel off labels, notebooks, index cards). Think about how to do “double duty”.
Feb 13, getting ready for lunch. Penny picked up her lunch out of her desk. She opened her bag, looked inside, and began crying. Laura came over and asked her what was wrong. Penny said her grandmother had again forgotten to put in a piece of fruit in her lunch and all she had was a sandwich. Laura offered to share her grapes with her. Penny stopped crying but said no. She was sad her grandmother kept forgetting things. Penny thanked Laura. They started off to the cafeteria.