Chapter 15 “Our Living Planet” 15.1 “Climate & Life” Objective: Describe how climate conditions affect living things. Define the terms environment & ecosystem.
Climate Weather is the day-to-day condition of Earth’s atmosphere at a particular time & place. Climate is the average year-after-year conditions
Environments & Ecosystems An environment is a combination of physical & biological factors that influence life. An ecosystem is a collection of organisms interacting with one another & their environment.
Physical & Biological Factors Abiotic factors: physical environment, non-living. climate, type of soil, available nutrients, wind. Biotic factors: biological environment. Everything alive.
Niche Ecosystem = address; does not tell you much about the individual. A niche is a description of the organism, it’s favorite conditions, and how it uses those conditions.
Habitat The type of surroundings in which a species lives & thrives. Organisms which share the same habitat don’t necessarily share the same niche.
15.2 “Environments & Life” Objective: Explain how the process of ecological succession eventually culminates in a stable climax community.
Life Affects Environment Organisms affect and change their environment. Evolution of bacteria; leading to “pollution” in the air. Physical/Biological factors (abiotic/biotic) interact and slowly change/alter ecosystems.
Changes in Ecosystems Stability is misleading because ecosystems are always changing in response to disturbances.
Ecological Succession A series of predictable changes that occur in community over time An existing ecosystem is gradually replaced by another ecosystem.
Lichen on a Rock
Climax Community Results when a community has reached a stable collection of plants & animals. May still be vulnerable to change = natural disasters.
Forest Fire Regrowth