By: Danny Howell Matt Altemus Rebecca Bliss
Overview Founded: September 1924 by Horace Saks and Bernard Gimbel First store was on 5 th avenue, special because it was in a mainly residential district. Offered high quality men and womens clothing as well as an impressive commitment to customer service. Adam had a great vision for Saks, and was responsible for the company that Saks is today. First thing he did when he took over was remodeling their flagship store in the lavish Art Modern style that he had seen at the 1925 Paris Exposition. Adam Gimbel, cousin of Bernard Gimbel becomes Horace Saks personal assistant. In 1926 Horace died suddenly and Bernard became president of Saks Fifth Avenue.
Overview cont. 20 new stores opened between 1972 and 1989, along with remodels of 9 of their current stores including the original location. That remodel lasted from 1978 to It increased their selling space by over 30%. Today: 54 stores through 25 states. 1 store in Oregon, no stores in Washington, closest store from Oregon is in San Francisco. 15,000 employees
Marketing Mix Designer Index 7 For All Mankind CHANEL Burberry Dian vonFurstenberg Jimmy Choo Marc Jacobs Prada Roberto Cavalli Valentino Versace Fendi Escada Missoni Target Market Wealthy men and women Mid twenties to mid fifties Pricing Items range from $35 - $4,000
SWOT Analysis Edge on wealthy market, known for quality, large designer selection. Few locations Expand wedding registry, more advertising The economy, retail competitors
A Few Comparisons… Saks is picky with locations compared to Nordstrom Saks has a wedding registry, but expanding it could be beneficial. Neiman Marcus’ wedding registry is much more elaborate Advertising