unit Teacher: Zhang Fengnian
Polar bear
Snow fox wolf Killer whale reindeer seal Rabbit
whale seal walrus
Oh, I’ ll never eat you Why does the polar bear say so? Because polar bears live only on the North pole while penguins live only on the South Pole
boots backpack Sleeping-bagtent Imagine that you are traveling alone to the south pole.What will you take with you?
sled skis ice pick
compass radio transmitter
Alone in Antarctica
Helen Thayer Helen Thayer made a journey alone to Antarctica. Helen Thayer, who was the first woman to travel alone to the north Pole at her 50, has an almost 200-mile journey alone to the opposite end of the world, Antarctica, even without a dog team to pull her sled, from November 1st, 1997, to celebrate her 60th birthday, which came in the 1th day of that month.
stormy adj. 暴风雨的,多风 暴的 threaten vt. 恐吓,威胁 optimistic adj. 乐观的 shelter n. 掩盖,避身处, extreme adj. 极端的,极度 的, die down 变弱,平息, climate 气候, new words for you
Listing 1:Where did the author traveled to ? 2:What was her purpose? She traveled to Antarctica. To celebrate her 60th birthday.
Choose the best answer: 1 Antarctica is another name for A Australia B the South Pole C the North Pole D Canada 2 The sun doe not go down in Antarctica, so Helen’s workdays were usually A 2 hours B more than 12hours C less than 12hours D 24 hours 3 Helen Thayer was born on A 1 November 1937 B 12 November 1937 C 22 November 1947 D 1 November On the 22nd day of the expedition Helen Thayer had an accident. What happened? B B B
A She was attacked by a polar bear. B Her tent was blown away by the storm. C She fell in to a hole that was a few hundred feet deep. D The sled knocked her over and hurt her leg. 5 What decision did Helen make after the accident? A She spent a whole day in her tent. B She waited till she got better and continued her journey. C She gave up and went back home. D She was thankful for all the training she had had. D C
Time Ways Result Destination Reason Process: Antarctica celebrate her 60 birthday November 1st, 1997 walk and ski alone an experience of solo travel
Time WeatherWhat happened to her? The first days The 3rd-11th day November 12th A few days later The 22nd day The next morning The process : fine,icy, not strong Begin her journey Stormy, windy Continue her journey The storm die down Celebrate her birthday Fall into a hole, get out Increase the workday Had a bad accident; hurt leg, struggle to feet
1.just around the corner: likely to happen soon 即将来临 Victory was just around the corner. 2.find oneself 不知不觉的 Suddenly I found myself at the water’s edge. 4. stand on 用 … 站 stand on one’s he head stand on one leg like a cock Useful expression: 胜利即将来临 倒立 金鸡独立 3. at the top of one’s voice 高声地,大声地 5 because of 发生 …… 情况; …… 怎 么啦 What has become of her ? 她发生了什么情况
What kind of woman of Helen Thayer? Describe her in a few sentences. Helen Thayer is a special woman. To go such difficult and dangerous journeys at her age prove that Helen Thayer has a strong will. She enjoys great challenges. She is brave and very active. She also knows That the person in her life such as her family, are more important that her personal achievement.