Track User Tracker T.U.T. Chris Orchard Fevri Tokouete Michael Tullbane Group 2 Senior Design Fall 2011
The TUT A complete system used to “prescribe” and record exercise regimens pertaining to an indoor athletic track.
Project Overview Hardware: Record and display a user’s performance during a track session. Loaded with an individual’s prescribed exercise regimen or desired goal(s). Prompts user during session, I.E. slow down, speed up, rest. Displays and/or records speed, distance, elapsed time, and time/distance remaining. Interface to upload recorded sessions.
Project Overview USB Interface to Hardware Auxiliary Interface to Hardware Software: Allows health care professionals to prescribe and monitor exercise regimens via a website for their patients. Permits self-prescribed use of the system. Maintains a private exercise diary accessible by both prescribers and users.
System Use Flow User Login Host computer (At track facility) Host Retrieves Prescription Data from Website Prescription downloads via USB to portable electronics device (Wrist Band Tracker WBT) WBT detaches from USB Issued to user WBT records session. Prompts user to meet prescription goals. End of session. WBT reattached to host. Session data uploaded User Exercise Diary in database updated
Hardware Components WBT-Wrist Band Track Large wrist watch sized device. Determines speed and distance by detecting transitions through E field thresholds of a transmitter node. Records and displays session data. Displays new data only when new data is acquired. Transmitter Nodes Provides a narrow beam RF signal used by the WBT to determine position and speed data. Designed for ease of installation. Self powered, wireless, position placement flexible. Overhead View of Indoor Track- Distance around 0.8 miles
WBT Simplified Block Diagram SPI/USB MSP430F2274 µController CC2500 Transceiver 2.4GHZ Quasi- SimpliTI© Network B USC SPI Master Mode GPIO Port 4 SPI Addressing Control OLED Graphics Display 96xRGBx64 A USC SPI-Mode UART-Mode Timer A 1 Second Interrupt KHz Watch Crystal FT232RQ Mini-USB connector GPIO Port 1 Switch Input GPIO Port 2 4 User Input Switches Interrupt Control Signal Serial Data
WBT Design Features Texas Instruments MSP430F2274 µcontroller 2 serial controllers used as SPI (One reconfigured as UART for a USB interface. Timer A-Generated from external KHz crystal. 32k bytes of Flash – bitmaps for the display. 1k bytes of SRAM. T.I. CC2500 Radio IC ZigBee Protocol-2.4GHz. Crystalfontz OLED Display Low power consumption 160 º view angle 96xRGBx64 dot resolution. GDDRAM-96x16x64 ⇒ 64k color spectrum
WBT Prototype Schematic
TRANSMITTER NODE BASIC FUNCTIONS OF THE TRANSMITTER NODE - Transmit reference signal to the WBT -Shut down the system at the end of the day -Be able to transmit signal within 160 meters range
COMPONENTS OF THE TRANSMITTER PATCH ANTENNA BASIC FUNCTIONS: Transmit signal to the WBT FEATURES GHz frequency -Low cost - High gain (10db) -very narrow bandwidth - small size (~4 cubic inches) - superior performance
PATCH ANTENNA Power received (P r ) using the Friis transmission equation P r = P t *Gt*Gr*[1/(4*П*(R/λ))]^2 P t = 1.3mW Gt = Patch antenna’s gain= 10dBi Gr = 0.5dBi = receiver’s antenna gain R = Range = 2 meters λ = 3*10^8/ 2.4*10^9 λ = 12.5 Cm = meters = transmitter’s antenna wavelength Pr = 36uW
RF TRANSCEIVER (CC2500) BASIC FUNCTION: Transmits signal to WBT via the patch antenna Reasons for choosing the CC Low supply voltage GHz frequency - Short range - Ultra low power 1.3mW - Low cost - Free sample available with Texas Instruments
MICROCONTROLLER (MSP430F2274) MAIN FUNCTION: program transmitter in saving power mode, transmit signal to the WBT, and monitors the supply voltage. FEATURES: - LOW SUPPLY VOLTAGE 1.8 to 3.6 V - Ultra-Low power consumption -Two-built-in 16- bit timer -1 SPI -40 I/O pins -10 bits A/D converter with data transfer controller
Software System Design Commercial off the shelf (COTS) packages available? Medical records systems Web hosting services Commercial database systems Write our own software Software lifecycle model Operating System Language / Languages Development tools
Software Lifecycle Model Waterfall Model? - Inflexible to changing requirements ↓ Agile Methods? – Flexible, minimal documentation, too much consultation with customer, rush to final product ↓ Prototyping Model? – Produce prototypes at different stages to verify functionality and revise as necessary ↑
TUThost Software Design GUI capability, previous experience with the language, ability to interface with the other TUT software subsystems “C” – Have the most programming experience in “C” – “C” is very fast and efficient, but it is not a good language for designing a GUI ↓ “C++” – Versatile language with object oriented programming capabilities – Good set of graphical development libraries available – Do not have experience in graphical programming with “C++” ↓ “Java” – Have quite a bit of experience in Java – Very well suited for graphical development – Many tools available for GUI programming in Java which would reduce the development time for producing a functional prototype. ↑
TUT Login Screen
Patient Main GUI
Patient Exercise Log
Casual User Main GUI
Casual Exercise Log
Admin Main GUI
Add New Casual User
TUT Database Design Firebird – Free, Stable, Supports SQL, Scalable – Support for languages such as C/C++, PHP, and Python, but the current release does not support access from Java. ↓ PostGreSQL – Free and open-source, Supports SQL, Scalable with extra features such as support for creating your own custom data types. – It has been around longer than Firebird, but also does not natively support access from Java. ↓ MySQL – Commercial and Free versions – Many free development tools available from MySQL – Free graphical database management suite called MySQL Workbench that is available from the MySQL website and was written by MySQL AB. – Native support for access from Java – Support for multi-user access, web-server access with PHP and Python – Known as one of the most popular open-source databases ↑
TUT Database
Web Server Design Considerations Apache – Most used free web server software – Free with an extensive set of software packages – No previous programming experience – Many extra features that we do not need for our system ↓ Django + Python – Python is an interpreted language and it supports object oriented programming – One of the goals of the Python language is rapid development and deployment which makes it very suitable for our prototype development – Django works with Python to quickly design and implement a complex web server using native Python code – Web server development with Django focuses on a database driven design which is perfect for our prototype since database access will be the primary function of our TUT web site ↓ Information Interchange Service (IIS) – The next most used free web server software – Included with newer windows server packages as well as XP Pro service pack 2, Vista, and Windows 7 – IIS has many advantages over Apache in that it is easily integrated with other Microsoft products – Highly scalable and would be a very good option for a future commercial release of the TUT system – Quicker and easier to use than Django / Python -> We will use IIS ↑
Physician Main GUI
Add New Patient
Write Prescription
Budget Cost Summary Item DescriptionCosts Development Costs$ WBT Prototype$ Transmitter Nodes$ Administrative-Shipping-Coffee$75.00 Total$ Initial budget estimate was $200 per team member Each team member itemized their costs So far we are still below budget