Courtly Culture in the Shadow of Versailles History 323 / Jan. 9, 2013
The Holy Roman Empire in 1648
The Emperor and the Electors (Kurfürsten) (Copper engraving by Abraham Aubry, Nuremberg, 1663/64)
A meeting of the Reichstag, 1640
Religious (“Confessional”) divisions within the Holy Roman Empire, 1648
Versailles: the standard of luxury
Louis XIV is everywhere
The “Sun God” motif
The Hall of Mirrors
The opera house within Versailles
Outside, spectacular fountains
A grotto: fantasy playgrounds
Schönbrunn palace (late 17th Century; rebuilt in 18th)
“Roman” ruins
Clemens August Archbishop of Cologne,
Clemens August’s territories: Archbishopric of Cologne Bishoprics of Hildesheim, Münster, Osnabrück, Paderborn, and Westphalia
Augustusburg Palace, Brühl (outside Cologne)
Entry staircase Designed by Balthasar Neumann ( )
Clemens August, everywhere you look
En route to the audience chamber
A (relatively modest) sitting room
Exquisite wallpaper (gold-crusted leather)
The ballroom
The garden
The Archbishop goes hunting
Falkenlust Palace
Poppelsdorf Palace (in Bonn)
The Archbishop’s central residence (in Bonn)
The Hanseatic League at its peak
Lübeck’s Holstein Gate, built 1477
The dimensions of old Lübeck
Lübeck, market square
Lübeck, Rathaus
Lübeck – the “Buddenbrooks House”