What have I learned Professor: Mavis Eric Tien M
Curriculum Design Curriculum design is somehow = syllabus design. Syllabus design focuses on what we are going to cover. But, curriculum design is much broader. (almost cover everything)
Curriculum Design We may use questionnaires or surveys to evaluate our design. To do the evaluation is highly important to the curriculum design.
Curriculum Design We need to know learners’ needs, society’s needs, and competencies in order to make a good curriculum design.
Curriculum Design We need to know what are their purposes of learning, for example, for general purpose or specific purpose.
Curriculum Design Need analysis: the general purposes of need analysis are to use different sources to get the information we need, and then try to solve the problems we find.
Curriculum Design In the very beginning of the curriculum design, we need to know whether learners are EAP or ESP.
Curriculum Design Aims: give learners a general picture and directions of the programs. It also needs to be sound and clear.
Curriculum Design Objectives: are more specific and solid than aims. For example: smaller units of learning and activities.
Curriculum Design How do we know that our curricula are useful or not after learners graduate? The union of school friends: 校友會
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