NIAID Designation – Project Title PI: Name (Institution) Co-PI (if any): Name (Institution) Subcontract (if any): Name (Institution)
Project Overview and Specific Aims Brief narrative description and/or hypothesis to be tested. List of specific aims.
General Approach and Rationale Define Major Obstacles/Knowledge Gaps and describe approaches that address these obstacles/knowledge gaps.
Overall Project Timeline List major milestones and indicate where you are now, in order to provide the audience with a context for the results that follow in the next slide.
Results Emphasize progress since last year. Briefly summarize previous data only where needed.
RMRCE Interactions Describe how your project interacts with other RMRCE projects or cores. Identify the above projects/cores by NIAID designation and PI(s) (refer to the RMRCE-List that was provided with the abstract form).
Year 3 Objectives/Milestones List your objectives/milestones for Describe dependencies, if any (i.e., if objective #2 depends on the success of objective #1).