1 Workplace Innovation to achieve the EU2020 Strategy Frank Pot Challenge Social Innovation Vienna 19-21 September 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Workplace Innovation to achieve the EU2020 Strategy Frank Pot Challenge Social Innovation Vienna September 2011

Conceptual confusion Social innovation (EU) Sociale innovatie (sometimes: working smarter) (NL, BE) Social entrepreneurship (EU) Non technological innovation (Eurostat) Organisational innovation; new forms of work organisation Workplace development (FI) Innovative Arbeitsgestaltung (DE) Workplace innovation (FI, IE, UK, USA, EF, EESC, EP) Innovative workplaces (OECD, EESC) Sustainable work (systems) (SE) High performance workplaces (USA, UK) High involvement workplaces (USA, UK) 2

3 Definitions Social innovation of work and employment is about new responses to pressing social demands, which affect the process of social interactions. (aims: human well-being), including labour markets, social security, industrial relations Workplace innovation is the implementation of new and combined interventions in the fields of work organisation, HRM and work relations.(aims: org. performance and QWL) Non- technological innovation also covers dynamic management, new business models and marketing practices and external collaboration. (aims: org. performance)

Social innovation in EU documents Development of new forms of organisation and interactions to respond to social issues, addressing: Social demands not addressed by markets or existing institutions and directed to vulnerable groups Social challenges of social and economic nature (climate, migration, ageing, poverty) The need to reform society in direction more participative arena; empowerment and learning sources of well-being Social enterprises: care for children, elderly, disabled; work integration long-term unemployed, disadvantaged groups; education (compare commercial companies in these fields) Opportunity to enhance working environment (EP 2011) Collaboration with companies possible (CSR); SME’s in CIP 4

‘Social’ in ‘social innovation’ meaning: Complementary to technological innovation Addressing societal problems Directed at society as a whole and well-being Solutions: new behaviours, institutional arrangements Agency: voluntary and community based civil society organisations Opposed to business innovation or economic innovation Disputable: Agency Opposed to business innovation Example: EU pilot ‘active and healthy ageing’ 5

Workplace innovation subject of social innovation? Regarding ‘workplace innovation’ there is probably a problematic match with EU social innovation. Opponents could say: Although it could be considered to be a societal problem legislation and institutions (Labour Inspectorate, co- determination etc.) are in place If workplace innovation implies a win win situation for organisations and employees why extra attention or subsidy would be needed? This is primarily business innovation Improving work organisation, working conditions and HRM is nothing new 6

Social innovation of work and employment Societal demands that cannot be met by individual companies: inclusive labour markets including the ageing workforce, sustainable employability Implementing workplace innovation is not self evident for organisations because of short-term perspectives, waiting for others to find out, fear to loose/share power Responsibilities and logics of action are different for organisations and public authorities To meet these demands cooperation is needed of public authorities, social partners, organisations, knowledge institutes Supportive programmes help 7

Concepts used in documents EU Social innovation: BEPA July 2010; Social Innovation Europe 2011; Marginal reference in Flagship Innovation Union accompanying document 2010 and Flagship Skills and Jobs 2010; draft guidelines employment policies 2010; Resolution EP Innovation Union 2011 Workplace innovation/innovative workplaces: opinion EESC 2007, 2011; workshop launch event SIE 2011; OECD 2011 Non technological innovation: Eurostat; marginal in FS Innovation Union New/innovative forms/patterns of work organisation: FS Innovation Union; FS Skills and Jobs; draft guidelines employment policies 2010; ESF 2010; OSH Job quality and OSH: FS Skills and jobs; marginal in employment guidelines 8

9 Workplace innovation and OSH Workplace innovation and occupational safety and health are different policies with different objectives and instruments. So is ‘decent work agenda’. Do not mix up. Workplace innovation is not directed at fewer occupational diseases or accidents or less absenteeism although it might help The overlap between workplace innovation and OSH regards ergonomics and work organisation as well as the effects for well-being, learning opportunities, prevention of work-related stress and physical workload, work-life- balance. EU OSH policy refers to ‘healthy and productive jobs’

10 Urgency for workplace innovation Decreasing and ageing workforce – increasing labour productivity and including less productive people Global competition and knowledge based economy – development of competences and skills Making new technology work through innovative work organisation Workplace innovation explains a larger part of innovation success than technological innovation does

11 ‘National’ ‘programmes’ Finland: workplace development Germany: innovative Arbeitsgestaltung; Innovationsfähigkeit Belgium: sociale innovatie; Flanders Synergy Netherlands: sociale innovatie; slimmer werken (working smarter); NCSI Norway: value creation UK: workplace innovation Ireland: workplace innovation Sweden: management and work organisation renewal Non existent in many countries of EU

Conclusions Distinction between social innovation and business innovation is untenable Social innovation and technological innovation are complementary Social innovation of work and employment on the level of society refers to societal issues such as labour markets, social security, vocational training and industrial relations Social innovation of work and employment on organisational level can be called ‘workplace innovation’ Workplace innovation refers to work organisation, employability and work relations EU/national campaigns are needed and can be supportive 12