Capital Flows and Foreign Investment MBAW6 Dermot McAleese
FROM TRADE TO CAPITAL MOBILITY Trade Better access to credit spurs trade Traders need to hold or borrow foreign exchange; trade imbalances need to be financed International finance Deregulation Domestic institutions demand relief form rules; regulation ever harder to enforce Access to foreign capital markets Range of financial products expands Domestic financial firms are forced to compete Innovation
OUTLINE Trends in capital flows Analysis of capital flows Basic model Capital mobility and taxes Extensions FDI and multinationals Trends in FDI Why invest abroad? Effects of foreign investment
Table. 1 Savings, investments and lending, (% GDP) Source: IMF, World Economic Report (October 1999)
Table. 2 Inward and outward stock of foreign-owned capital (US$bn) Source: United Nations, World Investment Report, 1991, 1999 (1999 figures are author’s own estimates)
TRENDS IN CAPITAL FLOWS 1990s – ‘the decade of equity finance’ Increased level of integration International bank lending has risen to ½ of GDP in industrial countries Increasing share of government bonds held by foreigners Increasing orientation of the foreign private sector issuers of bonds and securities to the international markets Proliferation of different types of mobile investment funds Demand and supply factors of increasing capital mobility
BASIC MODEL Gains form capital mobility Rate of interest (R) World capital stock (K) OnOn OnOn KK* R* RnRn RsRs A C B D E Rate of interest (R) MP n MP s
TAXING CAPITAL IN THE CAPITAL-MOBILE WORLD Rate of interest (R) Capital stock (K) DkDk O KoKo T R G E SkSk tax Rate of interest (R) Capital stock (K) DkDk O K1K1 R T F D SkSk tax E World rate of return K0K0
EXTENSIONS Positive effects: capital inflows represent critical part in development of some countries capital inflows create spill-over effect – macro management capital mobility allows risk spreading through portfolio diversification Adverse effects: international capital flows can be very volatile capital inflows can cause unsustainable inflationary pressures capital flows can lead to short term misalignment of the exchange rate capital mobility can weaken country’s tax base by forcing governments to offer excessive enticement to investors
Table. 3 Stocks of FDI (% GDP) Source: Computed form J.H. Dunning, The Globalisation of Business (London: Routledge, 1993) and World Investment Report (United Nations, various years)
Table. 4 Regional distribution of FDI inflows and outflows (%) Source: UNCTAD, World Investment Report (1999).
WHY INVEST ABROAD? - OLI PARADIGM Ownership advantages Intangible assets Economies of size Location advantages Labour costs and other inputs Availability of skilled labour Market size, growth of market Government Other costs Internalisation advantages ’Failure’ in markets for final goods and inputs Monopoly power Product differentiation
EFFECTS OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT Multinationals generate externalities Multinationals create more jobs Foreign investment generates tax revenues Foreign investment generates foreign exchange
TO MAXIMISE SPILLOVERS HOST COUNTRY NEEDS TO DEVELOP: An integrated policy approach Targeted incentives After-care policies Support for indigenous industry